

Selamat Taun Baru!

Nah, azam taun baru,

Jaik eh...
Haha, sekpa, sal ada jak...

Oh, and tok perutusan taun baru, pake kitakorang semua,

Dengar dan hayati. Haha.
Well, kami di Blog Peruzz Tok Kah ingin mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru, dan semoga panjang umur.
Ehehehehe... Tang bes jak bunyi make word "kami" ya. Haha. Tang kedak rami jak urang nulis blog tok...

So, bak kata taun 2010 tengah malam tadik,

Bah, mupok lok.

Selamat Taun Baru!


One-way Road to Seemingly Nowhere.

Life sometimes seems like a highway.
Everyone moves forward in time. There's no use looking back at the road that you've passed. The holes that you've been through. Our soul drives our body on this particular highway of life. You can choose to hit another car to slow them down if you want to. But you'll be slowed too.
And like a one way high way, you can't just turn back and go against the flow. But you can move along and wait until you meet a detour, a junction, or anything that allows you to change your life's path.
There are roadsigns that show you the way to your destination. Remember, there's no turning back, so choose well.
But there are times where the road to your destination is closed, and all you can do is just move along. Proceed.

Well, there are other times when life seems like a highway. I'll get to it later when it's quite appropriate.

Bukan apa, gitok kes nya...
Adalah bebereapa orang manusia lam dunia tok, ku sik mok nak madah sapa or sine, mun tauk, diam, mun sik, anggap jak nya blaku rah somewhere lam dunia tok, and diam. Beberapa orang ya tek, bok tauk sekda jraya kluar... Kira cam sekpat masok simpanglah tek... Lekat lam sigek jraya tok ajak.
So kluarlah macam-macam perkataan negatif tek... Haha. ada juak rasa sian lam ati ku tok. Tapi dikitlah...

Naaaaaaaaaaang dikit.


Tapi nya naaaaaaaaaang dikitlah.

Tapi yalah tek, nepat nak patah balit... Mok sik mok, jalan jaklah. Trimak jak hakikat kita dah lekat, sekpat nak ke sine-sine. But well, at least we know that even if our results suck, we'd still be able to continue our studies. Albeit not the course we wanted. And now sapa-sapa yang sik tauk pa benda diklaka ku tadik, mungkin dah tauk. Hehe. Diam jak lah.

"You had the chance to escape. You didn't"

Bah, mupok lok.


Camne Mun...

"What if nobody likes me?
What if I don't succeed?
What if I give it all that I've got,
and I still don't got what they need?
What if I don't get anywhere at all?
Will I consider myself a failure?
Will I be that small?"

Mun sekpat kali tok, sekhal, coba agik. Gagal sekali bukan bermakna gagal selama-lamanya. Gagal sekali bermakna probability untuk anda gagal lagi meningkat. And nang kompom gagal agik mun maseh juak ngulang benda yang sama. Bila gagal skali, kita tok perlu brubah. Tok bukan ku mesan kitakorang jaklah, tok pesanan pake ku mpun juak.

Ne boleh mesan urang, tapi dirikpun sik ngekot. Eh, boleh lah, nakpa diklaka ku tok. Mun mesan ompuan bertudong, sik aku nak ngekot juak nak? Haha.

Kita tok mesti blaja dari kesilapan. Kesilapan in general. Boh blaja dari benda salah nak dipolah dirikpun ajak. Blaja dari salah urang lain juak. Mun nangga urang gagal menyambong kehidupan lepas terjun dari tingkat 108 bangunan seblah kedey makan njual rojak sik nyaman ya, boh lah datang gila ncoba melompat juak nangga idup kah sik. Mun lam kes idup mati, gagal skali ya nang gagal forever lah. Konsep "Gagal skali bukan gagal forever" ya sekpat dipake.

Tapi lam kebanyakan kes lain, dapatlah. Except benda yang kompom sekpat diulang. Contohnya exam final taun ya tek. Mun dah gagal, nang gagal lah. Ne pat direpeat agik. Tapi klak ada gik exam taun tok. And time exam yalah kita spatutnya make sure kita sik gagal lagik. Spatutnya.

So mun dah skali gagal ya, and dah polah sehebat mungkin, boh ngalah. You thought you did your best, but now you know you could do better.

"What if she doesn't like me?
What if I'm not her type?
What if all the girls that ever like me,
are not the kind of girls that I like?
What if I meet the right one and screw it up?
Will I consider myself a failure?
Will I give up?"

Kompom soklan kedak ya pernah tlintas lam palak nak? At least skali lah. Bulak gilak mun langsong sekda.

Mun urang sik suka, pa boleh buat... Move on jaklah. And mun nak mun nak suka ngan kita ya bukan jenis yang kita suka, ingat jak balit bila kita suka ngan urang, tapi urang ya sik suka ngan kita. Cam ya juak rasa nya... Dunia tok adel bah. Ada atas ada dibah. Ada angkat ada rebah. Ada madu ada lebah.

And jangan putus asa.
Senang jak ncarik mun tauk sine and camne. Tapi benda yalah yang urang banyak sik tauk... Kakya aku tok lebih mulut/jarik klaka/naep benda kedak tok. Sak jak dirikpun lom ada gerek... Haha. Tapi ya bukan topik kita ritok. So boh lalek ku ada gerek kah sik.

And sebagai conclusion, try to tell this to yourself,

"I'm gonna keep trying.
Getting denied just makes me want it more.
I'll keep trying and each time push harder than before.
I can't live my life always worried about "What if?".
'Cause what if I die tomorrow,
then I never even lived"

Mun kitakorang tauk lagu tok, bagus. Mun sik, well, sekda pa-pa lah. Bagus sik, sik bagus pun sik. Neutral. Mun mok tauk lagu apa tok, search jak sia. Mun ku madah jak rah sitok nanglah lebih senang. Tapi ku mok kitakorang tauk dirikpun.

Bah, mupok lok.



Total nonsense.

Drama sem duak baruk bermula. Urang branok sama dirik, kawan palat-memalati, kapel baru, itisi, itisi, itisi.
So aku cam besalah, ndengar ajak. Ku ndengar crita urang jak bah, sik brani nak nyebar, takut crita bulak, jadi fitnah klak.
Bagus ku munoh nya jak, dikit gik dosa giya...

Bah, mupok lok.

Sekda bah... Haha.
Adalah urang ya nak, mun mena crita nak didengar aku lah, gila nganok urang. Siklah gila ne, tapi yang ku da nengar lah nak, nya nganok 'kawan' nya mpun. Nak madah hot, siklah juak, tapi hotlah. Hot and rasa hot. Part rasa hot ya sik disuka urang. Kali ada urang sukalah, ku sik tauk gilak hati budi urang, tapi yang pastinya, aku sik suka. And aku urang. Bukan binatang, bukan objek, bukan tumbuhan, and bukan kerusi.

Tapi nak, nya ya tang kedak bencik semua urang. Eh, tambah gik dikit. Bencik dan dibencik semua urang. Kali sik semualah, tapi menurut obsevasi aku yang sedikit rabun tok, giyalah...

Well, sekda pa-pa gilak nak ditaep ku tok. Dahlah didiat urang... Alu sekda feel ku nak naep...

"She have a broken heart, and you have a broken grammar."

Bah, mupok lok.


Apa Dipadah Ku Tek Bah?

Kelab mendaki mok polah jungle trekking.
I have nooo objection to that.

Let's masok ke topik asal.
Nakpa dipadah ku tek o?
Sekda pa-pa.
Haha, adalah something. Baca jak atas ya. Sik susah ne.

Tapi nak, ku mok madah lah tok. Ada ketikanya bila ku klaka, well, mostly stiap kali ku klakalah, ku sekda simpan chat log. Yang paling latest yang ku slalu pat ingat pun just beberapa ayat sebelom jak.

And ku nang blur abis and rasa angol bila urang nanyak:
Nak pa tek?
Pa dipadah ko tek?
Sik, bukan ya.
Nak before ya.
Before nak dipadah ko tek eh.

Slalunya respons biasa ku:
Nak pa bah?
Ku sik ingat.
Padah lok.
Ne ku tauk pa dipadah ku tek.
Aih, mena ku sik ingat.

So mun ada blaku kitakorang nanyak "Nakpa dipadah ko tek?" lam nada sarkastik or nang nanyak, ku mintak maaf banyak-banyak mun ku madah ku sik ingat. Maybe ku nang eksen sik ingat kejap. Tapi mun dah lamak-lamak ya and ku mala nanyak pa benda dipadah aku, menalah ku sik ingat ya.
So sorilah kay?
Mintak ampun banyak-banyak.
Mun kitakorang rasa tauk nakpa dipadah aku ya, padah lah. Sik dosa nak?

Aok, aku nang giya.
Bah, mupok lok.


And Then...

You die.
He dies.
She dies.
Everyone who reads this dies.
Death is inevitable.

Tapi bukan yalah nak diklaka ku... Haha. Suka-suka jak, pake nyuroh urang maca. Mana nak sik suka maca benda hal idupmati kedak ya, selakan pegi. Tapi sebenarnya sik perlulah, sebab ku sik klaka hal ya ritok. Malas ku nak pessimistik agik. Ku mok jadi optimistik balit.
Babi sik?

Exam riya ku pa 3.55 jak.
Ada urang madah ku eksen, ngegeh, loba sebab nambah 'jak' rah ujong ya... Ku nang suka nambah jak at the end of kebanyakan nombor bah. Siklah semua. Just kebanyakan jak. Ya antara ku rasa jumlah ya sik cukup, or aku jadi sarkastik kejap. Ngekot ati akulah... Siklah nak ngekot ati kau nak? Dunia tok bukan tentang kau ajak. Dapatlah ko madah idop ko ya kedak crita, kau ya watak utama. Hero. Heroin. Ujong crita, ko mati. Tapi ingatlah juak, kau ya watak sampingan jak lam kesah idup urang lain.

And paling ku sik mok adalah jadi antagonis lam kesah idup urang. Biar ku cameo ajak pun sekpa. Mun sik pun watak extra sidek ayat kedak lam The Homecoming. Sal jangan jadi antagonis. Jadi urang jaik.
Ku mok jadi watak bait.

Ari qdah kol limak dah tok, time ku naep tok. Ku rasa ku patut mandiklah... Then polah apa yang patut. Coba piker lok kejap, time ko maca tok kol brapa? And ada sik benda yang lebih penting yang perlu dipolah ko?
Jangan delay-delay.
Jangan polah last-minute.
Polah kinektok.

"To most of us, life in this world begins nine moths after a fuck. You started near the asshole where shit comes out. And you start with nothing. You're stupid, bloody, and a naked moron. Nothing you say makes sense. Now look at yourself right now. And contemplate."

Bah, ku mupok lok.


Nak Pa Senggama Nak Di Post Ku?

Aku abis IDEA!
Haha, sik juak abis lah... Just slalu bila ku rasa cam mok molah post baru, ku sik tauk pa nak ditaep. Except kali toklah. Obviously.

Dah eh. Klak jak ku polah post mena-mena.

Bah, mupok lok.


I Need YOUR Help.

Dear anyone who can read this,
I need to know how to stop Facebook from posting my comments on to my wall, thereby letting everyone with the access to my wall know my comments, good and bad, on my friends' statuses, pictures, and other things. It's really annoying and I'm not comfortable with people knowing my activities on Facebook.

Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very, very much.

I shall end this post with the familiar words,
Bah, mupok lok.


To Smile

"In love, no one can harm anyone else; we are each of us responsible for our own feelings and cannot blame someone else for what we feel. It hurt when I lost each of the various men I fell in love with. Now, though, I am convinced that no one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone. That is the true experience of freedom: having the most important thing in the world without owning it."

Just an excerpt, or quote, from a book I haven't read, Eleven Minutes.

Well that, while it's a great thing for your mind to ponder, have quite absolutely nothing to do with this post. Or so it seems...

What does it take for one to smile? It's an easy thing to do. Everyone seems to know how to do it naturally. Smiling makes us feel good. If you smile at another person, with utmost sincerity, they will smile back at you. Provided that they are sane, of course. Even if their in a terrible problem, even when they're facing a death threat. A smile changes many things. Smile, at every end of your days.

Even if the day had been bad. Terribly. Awesomely terribly. Just simply awful. Smile at your mistakes. Smile at their insults. Smile at those curse words thrown at you earlier that day. Smile.
And if you feel that you can't smile, well at least try to smile.
If you succeeded, then you smiled. And then you'll smile at your success. A victory after a not-so-perfect day.
If you didn't, you'll smile at your uncanny effort to smile. You might want to look at yourself in a mirror while attempting to smile.

Well then, I seem to be not making any sense right now...
Just smile. Remember that there may be someone, somewhere once saw your face, and currently smiling, just thinking of you.


Bah, mupok lok.


Yeah, Not Me.

Some people can do a 10 digit calculation in their head,
some can write 10 volumes of sci-fi fantasy thriller novel,
some can sing songs without sounding bad,
and some have their heart always filled with festival.

Some drives big, expensive, sporty cars,
and have cute girlfriends right by their side,
some have bodies with muscles and battle scars;
They win even before they start to fight.

Some people have knowledge filling their brain,
and answer almost anything amazingly accurate,
while some can predict whether it'll shine or rain,
or if your girlfriend is your perfect soul mate.

And here I am just typing some crap,
Four weird poems, but hopefully five,
The singer can sing, and the whole world may clap,
And in zombie attack, the fighter might survive.

Yes the rich guys can buy everything that they love,
and the geniuses can predict almost correctly our fate.
Yeah, not me, sadly, I'm not one of the above,
because I'm not good enough, not great enough, yet.

Sabun, limo purut, aek ujan, colok,
Bah, mupok lok.


Yay! Ku Da Buku Baru!

And no, it's not one of those books for studying.
Unless mun 'studying' bagi kitakorang ya komik and crita urang berbunoh lah...

Dan sebenarnya ku mengharapkan, di sebalik senyumanmu itu~
Eeeeeeeeeeehhh dan gik si Eiuna tok nyampok... Choi, choi.
Sebenarnya duak jak tajok besarnya...
Scott Pilgrim,
and The Book With No Name.
Scott Pilgrim ya ku bli dari satu sampe enam. Start sampe abis. And bagi yang dah nangga movie yang diadaptasi dari book ya, mun rajin, baca juak book nya. Crita lam book ya panjang gik, scene lain, and ending lain. Very lain.
Tapi skrip movie ya banyak juak yang ambik dari book. Sooo bagi aku yang dah baca book ya before tok, ku nangga crita ya cam predictable smacam jak. Haha. Sorilah... Ku suka spoiler. But too much spoiler spoiled it. Well, dah ya tugas spoiler... Mun sik, sik namanya spoiler. Tapi ku nang suka lah, a bit of spoiler, sak tauk crita ya bes kah sik. Mun tauk tajok jak, takut jadi kedak altitud or frozen klak...

Book nak second ya, nang namanya The Book With No Name. Authornya Anonymous. Bes lah juak book ya. Banyak berbunoh. Da misteri sikit, saspens, magic, and benda-benda plek. And bagi yang suka those shitful vampires, lam book ya da juak. And werewolves too. The whole bunch... Tapi bukan vampire jenis nak hot guy pande bergerek indah ya, vampire nak jenis munoh tok. Eh, ada nya bercinta, siap berbini branak gik ya... Tapi ya bukan main part lah. Thank God.
There are monks, the Eye of the Moon, and now, there's too much spoiler.

Sambongannya buku The Eye of the Moon and then The Devil's Graveyard. Ku mok baca, tapi ku sekda. So mun sapa-sapa yang ada ya, ku minjam ah? Mun maok njual, ku bli, tapi iboh mahal gilak lah. Tapi paling bagus ya brik terus lah. Tengkiu. Haha

Dah, ya jak.
Panjang gilak klak.
Sekali air bah, sekali pantai berubah.
Bah, mupok lok.


You Need to Have Fun.

I was asked (informally, unofficially, and indirectly), to share my effective learning/studying methods and/or experiences with my fellow friends.

But I won't be doing that because I don't really know what are my learning/studying methods are. Those who knows me, knows how I am during classes. I also can't memorize things swiftly and accurately. So I won't be telling things that you should or must do. Instead, I'll just tell you what I think you could do to improve yourself, and become better than me. Yes, I know, the title seems to have no connection to the contents. But who cares?

Let's begin.


One of the most important thing is to focus during the lectures. Listen to what the lecturers are lecturing about. Don't just hear. If you miss something, don't ask about it to the nearest person. You may disrupt their focus. Instead, wait until the lecturer repeats, or pauses. Same goes to books. Focus on your reading. If you want to ask something to/from someone, and they're reading, wait until they look away from the book, or close the book before you ask. Once you know what it was all about, move on to the next step.


Repeat the things you know in your head if you have to. And try to use the least amount of knowledge digestion, so that you will be able to focus when the lecture continues. Analyze the bits of  information, study the connection, observe the results, et cetera, et cetera. Do what you can to understand. You'll know when you do understand something, and you'll know when you don't. After understanding the lecture, or text, or anything, you won't want to forget it. So, I'm sure you can predict what you should do next. If you predicted it right, I'm sure it'll be


Don't just copy whatever that's written there on the screen, whiteboard, blackboard, or book. Write what you understand. Draw if you need to. Notes are quite important. They can act as a reminder of what you understood from what you listened or read. If you copy what was written, then you'll have to try to understand it again for the second time when you read your notes. So try to not waste time and write what you understood in your own words.

In the end, you'll need to have some fun. Real fun. All work and no play makes Jack a workaholic or a sad depressed stressed-out boy. Both are bad. You can learn better if you like what you learn.

And that's quite all for this post. I don't really have much to say or type you know. So enjoy this post. Spread it out if you want to, but be sure to provide a link back to this blog. Thank you for reading. And enjoy this little video.

Bah, mupok lok.


Nak Ne Bagus Agik O?

Logo singit kedak lam blog tok kah or nak horizontal kedak lam BPTK ya?

Ya jak sebenarnya... Makkaseh lah maok nulong.

Bah, mupok lok.


Congrats! You Drove Me Out of The Store!

You know those guys who follows you everywhere in the shop like you're a son of a thieving bastard?
Yeah, I hate them too.

Thanks to them, I saved some money by not buying those interesting cheap low-quality stuffs. But we should be pitying them, because they're trapped in a vicious cycle. I'm fine with just the few blog followers, so I don't think I need a follower in a real life. They're like, stalking me while I'm shopping. I don't like it.

I'll continue in a language that you may or may not understand.

Annnnnnd ku paling sik suka yang nanyak jauk. Siklah 'paling'. Tapi ku sure nya yang one of benda yang ku amat tidak suka lah. "Kitak carik apa dik?". Ada jak lam ati ku nak nyaut nya, "Ncarik manok pande branak." Mun ku masok kedey kasut, apa lah dicarik ku? Kasut lah nak?
Ku slalu masok nak nangga-nangga bah. Mun ku ncarik something, klak ku nanyak sine. Sekhal, boh susah-susah. Dudok jak sia.

Slalu urang tok, mun masok kedey, and jalan-jalan jak, sidaknya window shopping. Mun urang ada ncarik something, daknya just jalan laju-laju. Sebab nya tauk benda nak dicarik nya. Lain kali gus ku nyedia sigek kertas nang specific benda dicarik ku o? Nang full description eh. Sak mun nya nanyak, pat ku madah.
"Kamek ncarik kasut itam, strap velcro duak igek, tapak getah, dalamnya ada span, saiz 38 stengah, seinci dari dibah ada line fluorescent green, rah tepi ada pattern bintang, rega kurang dari sratus ringgit Malaysia, brand bagus kit. Mintak kotak ah. Kakya engkah lam plastik. Mintak resit juak."

Okay sik? Haha. Kira a bit pointless juaklah ku ngerepak sitok. Bukannya ada sidak nak maca pun... Kitakorang jak maca. Sekhallah, sal dapat meluahkan prasaan...

Bah, mupok lok.


They Cook, We Eat.

When you come to a restaurant, there's a certain typical situation that you'll face.
1. You come and sit, and given a menu. According to the restaurant that you chose.
2. You choose what you want to eat. They'll tell if a certain menu item is unavailable, and you'll have to choose something else.
3. The chef, obviously, will cook your food.
4. Like it or not, that's the food that you're gonna have. Thank God there's salt and pepper across the table.
5. Then, you eat it. And if you can't like it, or somehow refuse to eat it, you'll have to starve. Or you can order another dish, and waste some more time waiting for it.

Some chefs will want to know what you think about the food and ask for suggestions for improvements. This is so that they will be able to cook better for other customers. The chefs, of course, won't feed you. They'll just cook, and you'll decide whether you'll eat it or not.
A certain dish may not appeal to you, but it may appeal to another. And some people have their parents choose they food for them. Some will like that food and eat it until it's finished. Some may despise it, and forcefully eat it until it's finished, ending up dissatisfied, or refuse to eat it at all, also ends up in dissatisfaction.
The safest way is to choose it yourself. But remember, there's still no guarantee that you'll like the dish.

If you're a university student or a student at the similar level, you'll a bit familiar with this situation.
1. You finish the last level of education, and faced with choices of courses. According to the university that you chose.
2. You choose what you want to study. They'll tell if a certain course item isn't available for you and you'll have to choose something else. For me and my friends, we had to fill a list of preferences and the responsible ministry will sort it all out.

3. The lecturers, obviously, will lecture.

4. Like it or not, that's all that you're gonna get. Thank God you know another method of learning...

5. You have to listen to the lecture. And if you can't understand, or somehow just don't care, you'll learn nothing. Or you can change courses, and waste some more time.

Some lecturers will want to know what you think about the lecture and ask for suggestions for improvements. This is so that they will be able to make better lectures for future students. The lecturers, of course, won't 'feed' you. They'll just lecture, and you'll decide whether you want to learn anything from it or not.
A certain course may not appeal to you, but it may appeal to another. And some people have their parents choose their courses for them. Some will like that course and successfully end it. Some may despise it, and forcefully study it until the they graduate with high grades, ending up unsatisfied, or refuse to learn or study it at all, also ends up in dissatisfaction. The safest way is to choose it yourself. But remember, there's still no guarantee that you'll like the course.

That's quite all for this post. Thank you for reading.

Bah, mupok lok.


Personally? Why?

Well, it seems that result ku sikkan kluar online. And nampaknya cam the dekan mok mekorang ambik from his desk. Sik tauklah sorang ambik and distribute, or sorang-sorang ambik and meet him personally. But fi the latter happens, I'm quite sure he'll be asking some questions. So prepare. And ada some kind of session tomorrow for the called ones.

Yes, I just realized something. They looove to be vague.
Oh well, let's digress!

Bok lah ku nemu kedey makan kedak ya...
Ku sik mok madah sine. Takut nya sik diagak urang agik klak. Tapi ku critalah nak pa dioleh ku di sia tek.
BARUKLAH KU NEMU kedey makan yang telor masinnya SIK CUKUP MASIN. Ku playsafe jak ngaut barang makan tek. Ambik benda yang biasanya nyaman bagi aku. Ku ambik sosej goreng, telor goreng, and tempe goreng. Telor masin ya juak. And fishcake lam sup yang ku sangkakan tauhu. Eran juak aku time ngaut ya, pakenak tauhu ya sik anco, maka kasar kali jak ku ngaut.
Duhal tek fishcake.
Oh, and dagin masak entah. But it's black.

So even with those 'playsafe' food, my tongue still feels insulted. But still thank God for the food. Ku bukan ngerepak nganok barang makan ya. Ku ngerepak nganok rasa barang makan ya.

And I still wonder camne telor goreng and sosej ya pun boleh jadi sik nyaman... Sosej ya nyaman, just nya keras jak. And telor ya macam banyak gilak ingredients diengkah nya. Well, ku try nyelamat makanan aku dari rasa camya dengan menambah kicap.

Mun akulah chef nak, or tukang masak at some place, and customer ku nambah kicap/garam/sos lam masakan aku, pake nambah rasa, ku anggap ya macam insult. As if nya madah indirectly yang ku sik pande masak. I would prefer them to tell me personally if it tastes bad.

So ku ngabis nya sitok ah? Donweri, klak akan ada post in English.

Bah, mupok lok.


Krau Najjah

Ku rasa yalah nama tempat dinner malam tok tek. Nyaman lah juak... Just that cook nya sorang jak, and tukang polah aeknya sorang juak. So ada slow sikit sebis nya.

Tapi ya bukan topik sbenar post tok.
Yang sebenarnya ku mengharapkan disebalik senyumanmu itu, kau juga merindui aku~
Sekda bah. Siklah ku nak blagu Oh bulan sitok... Lain dipike urang klak. Kesah lamak ya. Haha.
Kesah kinektok rahasia. Haha. Sapa tauk, tauklah. Sapa sik, nasiblah. Klak nya akan tauk juak bah...

Tok sbenarnya ku nak ngrepak hal nya nyuroh ngengkah full name rah fb ku ya... Pake identifikasi plajar kata diriknya. Mudahan jak sik forever. Bukannya ku sengaja sik mok ngengkah nama penoh. Ada sebab bah. Mun sik, siklah ku make nama 'Peruzz Tok Kah' sia... Slain dari carik publisit opkos. Haha. Publisiti murahan.

Mun ku nak ngeso full name ku, dah ku terang-terang engkah Moham... Eh... Sik boleh. Haha. Like I said earlier, sapa tauk, tauklah. Sapa sik, nasiblah. Klak nya akan tauk juak bah. And nya akan tauk mun nya perlu tauk. Sik susah nanyak. Mun nya dari sumber yang dipercayai, klak ku merik nombor matriks, nombor maikad, nombor surat branak nak disain Ambok Maek ya. Nak pa gik dimaok nya?

So still, aku akan ngengkah full name sia kejap lah. Plus, nya kat text box kecik ya jak bah. Bukannya nyuroh nukar nama pesbuk pun... So maybe lam sbulan giya or sampe ku dapat resultlah. Mana-mana ku rasa sesuai. Mun nya mok permanent juak... Klak ku polah sigek gik akaun, make emel lain. Klak ku make nama lain juak, but akan ada nama penoh kat tepi ya. Khasss pake urusan penting. Okay?

And tido time dah menjelma. Soooooo I know you'll be expecting the following sentence.

Bah, mupok lok.



Okay, template dah tukar. But at a cost.

Basically, ku tukar nama blog lamak ya jadi Peruzzbook, then polah blog baru pake nama lamak. Export/Import posts. Then done.

Soooooooooooo kepada follower ku nak nggak lapan orang (Well, tujoh, since ada sorang follow duak kali.) ya, mun rajin, follow agik blog tok. Mun sik, sekpa. Ku sik melarang, and ku sik maksa. Aptuyu. Mun mok follow nak nun ajak pun sekpa, sebab aku post rah both blog bah. Aku 'rajin'.

In both blogs, the options to change the theme is situated below the list of followers. Dah diengkah ku rah dibah ya. So kitakorang boleh tukar-tukar bila-bila. Ne tauk tengah gik maca peruzzbook ya kitakorang sakit mata kah, or tang ada lejuk natap pesbuk, klik jak link nak madah "Original BPTK" ya. Nya sik lah original ne sbenarnya, sebab ada urang make theme tok juak bah, sama ngan aku. But BPTK start ngan theme tok, and stay ngan theme tok. Mun ku mok make template lain, ku akan molah blog sigek gik klak. So in the end, kitakorang banyak pilehan. And aku sik perlu buang template nak dah diator ku ya. Sayang bah...

And aku riya mok nukar ayat ujong ya ke 'Pahal?' and 'Why?', tapi iboh jak. Nya pelek. Aku nang sengaja nak nyuroh bunyi post ku cam tergantong, tapi bila nya dah giya, aku mpun sik mok maca. Soooooo, you know what's gonna happen. Tukar balit!

Bah, mupok lok.



Plislah. Coba iboh kedak airesia. Mala jak delay. Delay, delay, delay.
Thank you.

And try to be more like the fast food's delivery man.



Tanggal Lapan Belas November.

Mok tauk pa jadi time tarekh tok?

Taun 1793,
The Louvre bukak di Prancis. Sapa sik tauk ngan The Louvre ya sik tauklah aku pahal. Tempat ya dah kira macam pengetahuan am untuk warga dunia ya...

1928, kopipes,
"Release of the animated short Steamboat Willie, the first fully synchronized sound cartoon, directed by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks, featuring the third appearances of cartoon characters Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. This is also considered by the Disney corporation to be Mickey's birthday."

Antap li wiki. Haha. Sekpa.
Duak igek tok jak didiat ku intresting. Nak lain ya cam 'mehh...' jak.

For taun 2010?
Well, tarekh ya mungkin akan mencatat sejarah. Mun sik, nya mencacatkan sejarah jak.

Tapi apa-apapun, ku harus bersedia menghadapi hari esok.

TAMBAHAN: Lupak ku nak madah tek... Isok most probably akan ada kes 'diam-diam kribang brisik'. Alulah semua kamboh kejap and nyelak nya sepanjang sem 2...



Whatever It Is, I Hope It's Good

Good for me, good for us, good for everything that was, is, and will be.

Well enough crap for today. I've been stuffed by quite a large chunk of nonsense today. Just by watching Adele Blanc-Sec. Wait for it to come by in another JAR. And I warn you. There will be spoilers.

I don't really have anything good to type about today...
Oh, tomorrow's day the day when my results are gonna come out. Yay?
I'm not so confident that it'll be good. But,

Whatever it is, I hope it's good...

And if you're a normal-behaving human, you'll know that the last post, about the itsy bitsy spider, was nothing more than a lie.
It's not really a lie. It more of umm, how shall I say it? Hmm...
Conspiracy? Misleading? Providing false-information? Wait, providing false information is technically lying... It's more of exaggerating and manipulating those innocent verses.
Or should I say seemingly innocent verses instead?
Whatever it is, it's not true.
I think.

Oh well. Who gives a f**k?
Oh wait, I can't use obscenities here... I'll lose readers...
There, I've put asterisks in and a stroke.
Now it's less threatening.

Now I realize that there's so many 'Oh's in here. It's kinda redundant isn't it? Are you guys okay with it? If you're not, then just tell me. It's not hard to backspace them.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand give a big welcome to the two new followers!
Seriously, why are you people following me? I asked for readers, not followers. I'm not a prophet. And I'm certainly not the messiah. At least I think so. You can follow me, I have no jurisdiction over that, and I have no objection to the concept, and I have no proper authorization to stop you from following me, but do it at your own risk.
Wait. I do have no proper authorization to stop you from following me. By utilizing the block this follower function or whatever it's called. And yes, thank you for realizing, I did a bit of a copypaste job there.

Oh wait, damn. There's that redundant thing again. I only know of two, 'well' and 'oh'. But well, it's okay right? If it's not, then tell me. I won't be offended.

I'm running out of cr*p to talk about. I could sh*t out some more. But I simply refuse to do so.

Bah, mupok lok.


Itsy Bitsy Conspiracy

"The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
Up came the sun, and dried up all the rain,
and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again."

This is a song that if you, dear reader, have attended preschool, would surely remember. I'm not sure if this song is still taught in preschools and homes across the globe, but when I was in preschool, I was taught this song.

It seems to me that this songs portrays the determination of a spider to climb up the water spout. It started it's journey in the first line, and restarted in the last. It bears resemblance to the myth of Sisyphus.

Let's leave the topic for a while, and enter a subtopic which may, or may not, be related to the verses.

Secret organizations.

According to some conspiracy theorists, a certain secret organization are said to worship Ra, the ancient Egyptian Sun God. You may be familiar with the dollar bill conspiracy. The one about the eye on the pyramid, said to be a representation of the all-seeing eye, or the Eye of Horus, sometimes also referred to as the Eye of Ra.

Now, we shall revisit our main topic. Let's review the song line by line.

"The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout."

The water spout, can be interpreted as either a part of the rain gutter system, or the spout of a teapot. It can also be interpreted as many other things similar to the two. At the essence, it is something that gives out water. It is something that lets water flow out, providing water to everything else. And water is very important. It sustains life.

This 'water spout', represent the supplies of the world. Oil, money, material, food, weapons, and et cetera. Taking control of the 'water spout' would be nearly equivalent to taking over the world. Surely, if someone can control the world's supplies, that particular someone would be the most powerful man in the world. And based on my interpretations of the works of the conspiracy theorists, that, is what the secret organization is after.

How, one may ask, can they accomplish that?

Spiders, in ancient Egypt, are related to the goddess Neith. Neith was the goddess of weaving.
And war.

As you can see now, the secret organization are represented by the 'itsy bitsy spider' trying to climb the 'water spout'. Or, as I conclude, the secret organizations are trying to control the world by obtaining control over the world's supplies through wars.

"Down came the rain and washed the spider out."

The 'rain' represents the obstacles that deterred the 'spider' from reaching the 'water spout'. The 'rain' here refers to the accusations, authorities, opposite forces, and even conspiracy theorists who tried their best to make people realize the plans of the secret organization by exposing their secrets.

So now, dear boycotters and conspiracy theorists, and not to forget, my dear readers, what we are doing can and will bring the secret organization down. We can and will stop them from reaching the top. We can certainly protect the world from being controlled by these people. But there's one question we must ask ourselves. Until when can we keep doing this?

"Up came the Sun, and dried up all the rain,"

Once the obtain the help of Ra. They believe that Ra would come and help them. the 'Sun' will dry up all the 'rain'. All our effort to stop them would be dismissed. Nothing will work.

The 'Sun' here may or may not be Ra, as the existence of Ra itself is disputed by many. But the 'Sun' here could be representing the world's current most influential person. As the Sun is the brightest thing that we can see in the day. It outshines all the other stars.

By utilizing this influence, the secret organization can once again attempt to achieve its lifelong desire.

"And itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again."



This blog is being attacked by an overflow problem!
But unfortunately, though I wished for it, it's not a traffic overflow.

have problem(s),
scroll bar down there.
Can you see it?
It may be a minor annoyance, but it's still an annoyance. If I put "overflow: hidden;" at the wrapper, which is the only place that I know it could work, the scroll bar would be gone!

(Cliché.}(⁰, ⁰ )
There's always a but...
The top menu would be cut-off,
and when you comment, or view comments, everything gets pushed to the left, and subsequently, get cut-off.

Any idea(s) on how to fix this problem?
I know there are some good htmlers, cssers, or anything of that sort reading this blog.

(Yalah kau, mun sik pande, iboh nak ngaco template ya...}(⁰⁰ )
Sorilah nak? Ku boring bah. Plus, it's a way for me to learn this stuff
Tulong lah mun dapat nulong.
Thank you.
Bah, mupok lok.



Slamat datang follower ke enam. Yobih. Sikit jak follower ku eh. Ya pun lom kompom semua maca. Sekpalah... Ada juak bagus disebalik benda tok kali.

Bok tek ku nangga ada somebody rah fb post "Although there's pain in my chest, I still wish you the best."
Yeah, for those who listened to the videos I posted before over and over again like myself,
you'll instinctively continue the lyrics,
With a, fuck you.
Ooo Ooo Ooo~

Dahlah ku bok lekak blagu lam ati lagu ya tek. Pa lepas ku maca lam wikipedia, episod glee akan datang klak ada ngembak lagu ya. Tapi version nak bait ya lah. "Forget You"
Alulah lagu ya start terngiang-ngiang agik...
Kakya ku pulang balit ke tab fb,
alu nangga somebody ya tek post benda ya.

F You.

Bah, mupok lok.


Under Renovation

As you can see now, my blog now looks different.
And although it looks hideous, I had to keep the credits the bottom.
Mainly because I'm just a good person.
Oh so vain.

And I need to edit the 'Category 1' and 'Category 2'.
But I have noooooooooooo idea.
Actually I do have some.
Just not good enough.
So I need you to help me.
And help me with those two 'edit's up there as well.
Should I just remove them?

Oh yeah, my avatar too.
Obviously I need to stop using the blogger logo.
Should I change it to my current fb avatar? Or should I use another image?

Don't forget to comment.

By the way, no, I'm not copying you.
I'm inspired by you.
So thank you very, very much.
Although I'm not inspired enough to change my blog's name to Peruzztensity...
Oh well.

ADDITION: Should I keep the header? Or get rid of it to make it 'fb'er?

Bah, mupok lok.



Malaysian University English Test
Is that right?
I hate acronyms...
Obviously a lie.
Sijil Peperiksaan Malaysia should be renamed, since there are other sijil peperiksaan Malaysias in this country.
And since it's a public examination,
why not rename it into Sijil Peperiksaan Awam Malaysia?
SPAM is certainly easier to say.
At least to me.
Oh well, enough rambling for tonight.
Bah, mupok lok.


Hey Soulsister

Oh what the heck.
I thought I've successfully evaded these kind of things.
Until now.
Well, lets get to it. I'm not gonna post the rules. And I'm not gonna tag people, 'coz that's kinda cruel.
But I will be doing this thing.
I used a playlist of mostly every song. Minus the 600MB++ of raya songs. And some gamelan, MIDI, etc.
Still, the total time is 48 hours.
2 days straight of listening to crap.
Let's just get on with it shall we?
Oh, and I tweaked the questions a bit. Don't worry. They're still practically unchanged.

1. If someone says "Are you okay?", you say...

Kasih Yang Tak Dianggap - Kertas
Yes, you're love may not be acknowledged
2. How would you describe yourself?

Tony Gila Lucy - Spider
Well, when I fall in love. I fall hard.

3. What do you like in a girl?

According to You - Orianthi
But according to me~
She's beautiful, incredible,
I can't get her out of my head.

4. How do feel today?

Warna Kehidupanku - Yusry KRU
Sometimes they're dark, sometimes they're bright.

5. What is your life's purpose?

You and Me - Lifehouse
Sik pernah dengar...

6. What's your motto?

What I've Been Looking For
Can't remember which version. But this answer is kinda unrelated...

7. What do your friends think of you?

Apa Saja - KRU
They're liek, "Yeah, whatever."

8. What do your parents think of you?

Shooter - Lil' Wayne
Again, sik pernah dengar...

9. What do you think about very often?

Takkan Hilang - Dua
Apa yang takkan hilang ya?

10. What is 2+2?

Chiquitita - ABBA
This is more suitable for the next question.

11. What do you think of your best friend?

I Don't Believe You - Pink
When you say you don't need me anymore.

12. What is your life's story?

When You Say Nothing At All - Ronan Keating
You've left me speechless.

13. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Everything - Michael Buble
Right on the spot. Haha. A philomath dreaming of becoming a polymath.

14. What do you think wfhen you see the person you like?

Rozana - Search
Of course, kau gadis idamanku.

15. What will you dance to at your wedding?

Selamat Malam - Faizal Tahir
Because 'malam' is the best part of a wedding.

16. What will they play at your funeral?

On the 4th of July - The Swingle Swingers
Is this some kind of ramalan?

17. What is your hobby or interest?

Do You Remember - Jay Sean
Yeah, do you remember? I think I've told you before...

18. What is your biggest fear?

Smile - Uncle Kracker
What do I look like? A smilophibic?

19. What is your biggest secret?

track 09 - new artist 81
Or, commonly referred to as, Viva Forever - The Spice Girls
Yes, my biggest secret may be that I listen to The Spice Girls....

20. What do you want right now?

Kau dan Aku - Nidji
You. Me. Here. Now.

21. What do you think of your friends?

Sway - Michael Buble
So according to this umm, thing, I subconsciously wants to dance with my friends?

22. What will you post this as?

Hey Soulsister - Train

The End. Technically, I might be wrong, because I've put nearly all of the songs in this laptop. But if I used my last playlist, which I listened to earlier today, the answers would be either "Fuck You!" or "It's OK".
It may be good for the first question. But for the rest of it? Maybe not so...

And there's a high possibility and probability for me to wrongly interpret the songs. It's either because I chose to interpret only the title, or I've never listened to the song.

Well, that's the end of this thing.

Bah, mupok lok.


Something to Cheer Up Your Day

Just tryin' to cheer up your day. Did it work?

Bah, mupok lok.


KLIMAKS: Hobi Pelik Masyarakat Kinektok

Kisah Lagenda, Illuminati, Makhluk Aneh, dan Konspirasi Semasa.
And yes, I'm back with the stupid acronyms yang suatu ketika dahulu pernah ku tinggalkan.

Back to the crita tek.
Hobi. Manusia tok semua perlu ada hobi. Pasti ada hobi. Mun ada urang yang ngakuk nya sekda hobi, yalah hobi nya. Ngakuk dirik sekda hobi. Ada urang dikenal ku sorang tok, hobi nya ngantar sms kosong. Ada gik sorang, hobinya prasan selebriti. Ada juak yang hobinya main game, nengar lagu Speechless, ambik gambar dirikpun, maca mantera (Mala bejiker SCBM), follow blog urang, dan ada juak yang suka nganok hobi urang pelik.
Teruskan kegiatan ya, eventually sekda urang maca blog aku. Haha.

Tapi hobi pelik nak dipadah ku tok sekda lam list atas ya. Ku nak ngerepak hal hobi urang suka nengar lagu terbalit. Ku pun sik tauk pahal hobi nya giya gilak. Kali nya idup lam dunia keboringan kali. Mungkin juak nya ncarik unsur artistik lam lagu terbalit ya. Sik ku tauk eh, urang jaman kinektok. Tapi slalu nya, mun daknya nengar lagu terbalit ya, siap-siap jak. Kompom nemu "Mesej satanik". Sik kalak ku nengar urang nengar lagu ribes nak, kakya madah ada nama tuhan lam ya.

Bah, kakya dilarang nya kita nengar lagu nak ada mesej setan ya tek. Sorilah pok, setan sik brisik henpon, terpaksa nganta mesej make lagu. O tedah setan.
Bek to the topik. Coba mun kitakorang maca kitab suci terbalit, mesti dak urang alem warak manas nak? Sik kiralah agama apa. Unsor muja setanlah nya, macam-macam lah benda jaik dipadah nya. Mun kitab suci diribes jadi benda kesyaitanan, boh jak dibaca or didengar agik. Sama jak kedak lagu Bieber, Gaga, Beyonce, dan sbagainya ya.
Get my point?
Of course not.

What I'm trying to say is, mun lagu ya ada mesej setan mun dimain terbalit, dengarlah banyak-banyak. Jika membaca kitab suci secara terbalik adalah satu penghinaan ke atas kitab suci, maka jika kita mendengar mesej Illuminati/freemason/setan/baphomet/bapak setan secara terbalit, maka itu akan menjadi penghinaan ke atas Illuminati/freemason/setan/baphomet/bapak setan.

If I'm wrong, then I'm insane.

Bah, mupok lok.


Abah... Bagilah Balik Tangan Ita...

"Tidak seorang pun yang melihat suasana itu tidak menangis.... 'Abah.. bagilah balik tangan Ita. Buat apa ambil.. Ita janji tak buat lagi! Ita nak makan, macam mana? Nak main macam mana? Ita janji tak conteng kereta lagi,' katanya bertalu-talu.

Bagaikan gugur jantung si ibu mendengar kata-kata anaknya. Meraunglah dia sekuat hati namun takdir yang sudah terjadi, tiada manusia dapat menahannya.."

Itulah kisah yang kita pernah baca. Tentang seorang ayah yang tidak dapat menanggung kemarahan. Tentang seorang ayah yang telah mengakibatkan timbulnya kecacatan pada seorang anak yang pada asalnya sempurna kejadian. Tentang seorang ayah yang tinggi egonya.

Yang kita tak pernah baca adalah sambungannya, sepuluh tahun selepas kejadian.

"Abah, ape present Ita tahun ni?"
"Suprise lah nak. Kalau Abah cakap nanti tak bes lah. Kan Mama?"
"Kalau Ita nak Kak Narti boleh tak? Ita rindulah, dah hampir 7 tahun tak jumpa."
"Ish, mana boleh, Kak Narti kan dah balik Jakarta. Ita pun dah besar ni, tak perlu ada Kak Narti nak jaga."
"Yelah, yelah. Ita terima je apa yang Abah nak bagi. Asal Abah tak bagi kudung lagi seblah je."
"Ish, cakap macam tu pulak dia..."

Ita terus ke kereta baru ayahnya di luar rumah. Abahnya mencium pipi ibunya sebelum turut masuk ke dalam kereta untuk memulakan perjalanan ke Universiti. Ayah Ita merupakan seorang pensyarah Kejuruteraan Mekanikal di sebuah universiti tempatan. Sejak dari hari tangan Ita dipotong, dia mula rasa bersalah. Dia telah berkolaborasi dengan beberapa pensyarah lain untuk satu projek.

Projek tersebut telah siap sepenuhnya pada bulan lepas. Sepuluh pelajar kudung telah menguji keberkesanan produk tersebut dan mereka berpuas hati. Kini, tiba giliran Ita untuk menikmati nya.

Pagi keesokan nya, Ita terkejut melihat sebuah kotak dihujung katil. Bungkusannya indah sekali. Tanpa menunggu sesiapa, dia membukanya.


Ayah dan ibu Ita berlari ke bilik. Ibu Ita pengsan setelah melihat sekujur tangan terkulai kaku dilantai. Ayah Ita pun meletakkan bantal di bawah kepala isteri kesayangannya itu, agar selesa pengsannya. Kemudian dia menghampiri Ita.

"Ita, ini hadiah Abah untuk Ita. Sebuah tangan bionik. Abah mintak maaf sangat-sangat untuk kejadian spuluh tahun lepas tu."
"Abah, Ita dah lama maafkan Abah."

Selang beberapa hari, ketika abahnya keluar membeli nombor sup ekor...
Tanpa disedari, Ita yang belum selesai membiasakan diri dengan tangan barunya itu telah terlanggar sisi kereta abahnya.

Pulang petang itu, terkejut besar abahnya melihat pintu kereta yang baru setahun diganti dengan bayaran ansuran yang belum habis berbayar, calar dan kemik.

Si bapa yang belum pun masuk ke rumah terus menjerit, 'Siapa punya kerja ni?' Seekor kucing yang tersentak dengan jeritan itu berlari keluar. Bulunya terangkat ketakutan tambah-tambah melihat wajah bengis tuannya.

Sekali lagi diajukan pertanyaan keras kepadanya, dia terus mengiau dan duduk diam.

''Duduk di rumah sepanjang hari tak tahu, apa kau buat?' herdik tuannya lagi.

Bila anak yang mendengar suara ayahnya, tiba-tiba berlari pulang dari berjoging. Dengan penuh takut dia berkata "Ita buat ayah. Sori." katanya sambil kucing menerkam kakinya, ingin bermanja seperti selalu.

Si ayah yang hilang sabar merentap kayu besbol didepannya, terus dipukul bertalu-talu tapak tangan anaknya. Si anak yang terkejut terlolong-lolong kesakitan sekaligus ketakutan.

Puas memukul tapak tangan, si ayah memukul pula belakang tangan anaknya. Si ibu cuma mendiamkan diri, mungkin keliru atau sengaja tidak mahu masuk campur. Kucing melopong, tak tahu nak buat apa-apa, sungguh kesian dan teramat sedih, namun dia sangat takut

Si bapa cukup rakus memukul-mukul tangan kanan dan kemudian tangan kiri anaknya. Selepas merasa puas, si bapa masuk ke rumah dituruti si ibu dan si anak.

"Tengok, tak de jadik apa-apa kan? Bes tak tangan yang Abah bagi tu? Kalau hari-hari Abah buat macam tu pun takpe, takyah nak bawak pegi hospital suroh doktor potong lagi. Genius tak Abah?"

"Kalau ye pun nak tunjuk tangan ni kuat, takyah la buat macam tu... Terkejut Ita. Kalau sakit jantung macammana? Kalau Ita mati, mana abah nak beli nyawa pulak..."

Tidak seorang pun yang melihat suasana itu tidak ketawa... "Takkan Ita nak cakap, Abah... bagilah balik nyawa Ita. Buat apa ambil... Ita janji tak buat lagi! Ita nak hidup, macam mana? Nak main macam mana? Ita janji tak rosakkan kereta lagi," katanya bertalu-talu.

Bagaikan gugur paru-paru si ibu mendengar kata-kata anaknya. Ketawalah dia sekuat hati kerana takdir yang sudah terjadi, tiada manusia dapat menahannya...

Dah, happy ending dah crita tok. Boh nak sedih-sedih agik.

Bah, mupok lok.


Here Comes JAR!

JAR: Just Another Review

Yeah, it is what it is. Just another review. But what kind of reviews?

Possibly everything that can be reviewed. I'll try putting everything possible in this little jar. A jar full of weird, interesting, random, WTFish, WTHish, and maybe some kekupish stuffs and other sense and non-sense.
I apologize to you guys for destroying this bahasa language. The will be grammar mistakes here and there. With a bunch of wrongly used words and weirdly composed sentences thrown in once in a while.

Well, as long as you can understand what I'm trying to say, and as long as I'm having fun typing.


Bah, mupok lok.

Haha, sekda bah... Mun nak madah ya ajak, gus iboh...

Soooooo, review ritok apa?
Mesti kitakorang mok tauk nak?

(Sekdalah, kau jak gago nak madah...} (-_-)

Kau diam. Dak lain maok tauk. Sapa dak lain ya ku sik tauklah. Ku lom mencapai tahap ya gik nak tauk sapa maca sapa sik. Rasa cam kedak sekda jak. Sampe ku terpaksa molah imaginary reader cam ya.

Bah, review gik. Bagi first review tok, ku nak review crita nak didiatku petang tadik. Crita apa? Hehe... Scroll jak ke dibah, sik jaoh. Duak line jak.


Yes, crita nak posternya ada belon and tentacles ya. Crita tok nang penoh ngan dongeng, cliche, character plek, and macam-macam gik.


Chey... dah kedak komsas indah benda tok. Haha. Crita nya kedak tok. Nya start ngan scene miak nait belon, then kenak lantak belon lain. Mak bapak and pilot rempuan ya mati. Nya jak tinggal idup. Lu trauma ya sampe ke tua... Haha. Sian li jak.

(Ditetaknya indah... Ya bok jaik.}(⁰□⁰ )

[Nak didibah tok ditaep ari tok. Nak diatas ya pada hari kejadian.]

Skati akulah... Ku sik bersimpati, ya crita fantasi jak. Mun sik, sci-fi. Ku pun sik tauk. Da fantasi sikit, then ada time travelling sikit. Back to the topik. Sinopsis. Lekak scene ya tek, adalah scene yang ku sik ingat gilak since benda ya blaku ari marek. Tok ku nyambong naip tok. Marek ku ngantok, so ku tido lah... Da gik melelat.... Jong benda tok jadi panjang gilak eh, urang sik mok maca. Sorilah ah. Mun sik suka, padah. Mun sik tahan maca panjang, baca jak dikit lok, klak nyambong.

So lekak scene ya tek, ada rempuan ya ngembak belon nak pegi konsert. Tapi nya madah ngan bapaknya nya make moto. So nang pebulak lah. And nya ada lesen belon, so nya nyewa belon. Gila sik kerja ya? Raon make belon. Ada sik pilot nak mati time awal crita ya? Ya mak ompuan ya. Miak laki nak trauma ya gerek nya. Kecuakan miak ya time lam belon. Dialog nya for the first part nang sikit. Kedak bisuk jak. Kakya dah ditegorku karakter kedak sik wujud, ngamok nya. Kakya nya tido.

Belon ya da something wrong, so ada sorang kawan daknya yang terer nekik kononnya tek nak ngato. So paham-pahamlah. Kakya nya mati. Oh, and komik memainkan peranan. Tanggalah mun mok tauk pranan apa.

Kakya semua ya bulak jak duhal. Siklah bulak, tapi ya just urang laki ya sik pande ngontrol power. Yahhh... superhero indah eh... Tapi nang mena pun. Aku pun sik tauk crita tok spoof kah apa. Tapi nang confusinglah. Urang laki ya nak, mun nya takut, benda nak diimejinnya jadi mena. Time nya gik kecik yalah benda ya first blaku, alu mati mak bapak nya.

Kat ujong ya, nya tang ada time traveling ke kejadian ya, then nya berjaya nyelamat mak bapak ngan mak gerek nya. Nasib nya duak dah besar ya sik ditauk. Tapi nya duak alu bertemu time gik kecik.

Konpius sik maca sinopsis aku? Giyalah rasa aku time ku nangga crita ya time dekat-dekat nak ujong. Plot twist nang kicor. Apa kicor? Sik perlu ko tauk.

"Hero" - Urang laki brisik power nyuroh imaginasi jadi mena mun nya takut. Power ya dapat dihalang melalui ciuman jak. Oh, and nya mostly bisuk during the first part.
"Heroin" - Pilot rempuan yang cepat stress and konpius.
"Si Cibai" - Mun kitakorang nangga karakter tok and prange nya nang besar kemungkinan kitakorang akan sakit aku.
"Kaki Nekik" - Kononnya tek nyatok suka nekik. Rock climbing lah kiranya tek... Suk ngan gerek Si Cibai, Si Gila Kamera.
"Si Gila Kamera" - Ompuan tok mun dapat nak, semua benda nak dirakam nya.
"Octopus Gergasi di Angkasa" - Salah satu benda WTF lam crita tok. Hasel penyalahgunaan kuasa si Hero.

Tok senarai "cliche" yang ku ingat ada lam crita tok. Ada nya mungkin sik menepati definisi cliche. but whatev...
1. Trauma
2. Cinta tiga segi
3. Silent Hero
4. Acrophobic on a plane
5. The "We're all gonna die!" part.
6. Abis minyak on the middle of nowhere.
7. Kemalangan yang disengajakan.
8. Skru yang pande tanggal bila ada gegaran.
9. Belon sekpat dikontrol.
10. WTF moment. (Octupus gergasi diangkasa)
11. Scene lam mimpi.
12. Scene kedak nak munoh everyone tapi just imaginasi.
13. Kejadian yang seolah-olah dah diramal. (Benda blaku kedak lam komik lam crita ya)
14. True love's kiss that fixes everything.
15. Scene hero meragui cinta heroin.
16. Cinta pandang pertama time gik kecik.
17. Time travelling
18. Everything's my fault
19. Karakter yang nya sorang jak nampak something.
20. Ending yang WTF.

Although sik semua ya cliche, tapi most elemen plek-plek semua masok. So crita tok nang absurd.

Watch at your own risk. Tanggalah dirikpun mun mok tauk camne crita sebenarnya.

Bah, mupok lok.


Kami cuti! Gembira atau sebaliknya?




wanna drink

Tea and (Coff)Ee (Or maybe Milo Peng)

Bah, mupok lok.


I Got Bored with the Acronyms (IGBA)

Well... It seems that the only link with an alternate text on a particular blog was the link to this particular blog. As you can see, now I'm quite bored with the stupid acronyms which I stupidly thought was funny/clever. And as you can see now, and before 'now', this blogs have several, if not one, post(s) in English. Yes, English. So please, I kindly ask you, please, add something to the alternate text. What I had in mind was "(and some English too)"

Or should I just let this blog be entirely in the Malay Language with a Sarawakian Dialect (except for the 'disclaimer' part) and make another blog, entirely, if not mostly, in English. Both tackling the same topics, but in different languages and possibly a different point of view with a possibly different contents.


I can barely manage this one blog.
I better not lie...
I have two in wordpress, and another in blogspot.
But I won't give out the links. This one blog should be enough for you.
And don't bother to search for the other blogs...

Well, what else is there to be talked about? I ran out of ideas... I'm currently and my grandparents house which I sometimes call home, because we basically live here. But now I live most of my life in the past few months at a learning institution. And now I'm ranting randomly about weird unrelated stuffs...


I think I should go now...

Bah, mupok lok.


Crita dan Idea Bila Aku Imejin a.k.a. CIBAI #1

Yes... tajok dah tukar nama... Haha.
So crita under post kedak tok ada benar dan ada bulaknya. Tapi mostly bulaklah. Boh jak dicayak.

So pa jadi ritok tek?

Aku pegi ke "tempat nak banyak booth and pameran and urang bejual"!
Duak kali gik ya. Haha. Makan rah iGlool pun duak kali. Tapi ku makan duak mangkok stengah jak...
Eh aok ooo... Ku lom bayar balit ngan Luke gik...

And second time aku pegi ya, ngan dak Luke and Azwan (Duak-duak bukan nama sebenar). Then bertemu ngan Ah Nai, Epa, Parah, and Nani (Campor-campor nama mena and bulak)
Lepas maghrib bok ku balit... Hehehe.
Daknya meli cardigan. Dahlah semua mileh nak kacak-kacak. Ingin ku nak make, tapi apakan daya, ku jantan. Tak sesuai dengan I. Dahlah body jaik, kaler sik cun ngan warna kulit gik ya. Eww.

Pa gik oh?
AAaaaaaaaaaahhhh, hal isok ya.
Pucib mena...
Jaik li timing nak clash ya. Cobalah polah ari sabtu kah, or ahad, or petang jumaat.
Tapi apakan daya, sidak Association of Space Explorers ya sik tauk ngan jadual pemblajaran mekorang.
Pangkak gik ngan topik kinda susah, integration, lecturer fizik baru nak ngajar topik baru, and quiz maths.
Nang kaak abis.
Dan aku
ya, aku
Dilontar ke dalam sebuah lubang
yang bergelar dilema.

-sigh- Isok ku coba call lecturer maths ya, mudahan jak dapat dirondeng.
Bukan slalu dapat nengar cramah motivasi dari space tourist and astronauts dari negri urang ya...

Bah, sekda agik nak di taep ku tok... Abis dah idea...
Oh, and jangan lupak future posts ku klak,

Kesah Idup Makhluk Aneh dan Konspirasi Semasa (KIMAK)


Pikeran Orang dan Rahsia Eksklusif dan Terkini (PORET)

Duak igek ya jak.
Mun ku da idea klak bok molah.

Bah, mupok lok.


One and One and One is Three

Ya nang menalah. Susah dinafikan. Ku sekda madah nya sekpat dinafikan, just susah dinafikan jak.

If you do know how to prove that 1+1+1 does not equal to 3, do tell me.
And I want the proof to be mathematical. Not theological as in the Trinity.

Well enough about that. Takut mencetuskan kontroversi dan konspirasi gik klak...

Oh and seblom ku lupak madah, ada syarat wajib mun mok baca. Please make sure kitakorang stuju. Mun ada pa-pa komen or benda perlu ditambah, or kitakorang temu loopholes in my rules, please comment.

Banyak urang mok benda percuma lam dunia tok. Mun dapat, semua benda nya mok percuma jak. Sik perlu mayar. Sigek jak benda free yang jadi konspirasi nektok, and anda pasti tahu.

Bah udah gik ku ngundang konspirasi. Gus ku ngundang artis jak. Guest authors. Haha. That would be fun. Quite fun indeed.

Ku slalu kekurangan idea eh. Sik juak kuranglah, just idea ya sementara jak. Very good at one moment, and terrible on the next. Wadefak. So~~~ Aku mok start molah blog yang lebih sistematik dan bersifat bebas. Bebas untuk aku. Kitakorang sik boleh bebas, penoh ngan komen puchib (Perkataan yang tiada makna. Khas untuk mengelakkan aku dari nyumpah dengan sebenar-benar sumpahan.) klak blog aku tok.

So I planned to make things more organized. And possibly fun.

From the Bench by the Sea (working title)
For the times when I'll be talkin' 'bout love

Kesah Idup Makhluk Aneh dan Konspirasi Semasa
Pake post ku tentang kejadian-kejadian yang aneh atau dianehkan sik kira benar or bulak.

Pikeran Orang dan Rahsia Entiti Tertentu
Crita nak didengar ku dari urang yang mungkin benar dan mungkin juak sik.

Crita Idup Bila Aku Idup
Well, crita idupku lah. Kedak post lain juak, post kategori tok mungkin akan mengandungi unsur bulak dan nguras.


Tiada Kategori

Pake post nak random.

Okya sik idea ya? Komenlah. Walaupun ku follower ku empat orang jak, or tiga, since ada soran ya follow sampe duak kali, thank you lah, and ada orang follow secara rahsia, and ada beberapa orang rajin nak klik link blog aku lam blog kawanku nak sorang ya, sikti jak, tapi ku hargai jasa kitakorang. Siklah ku sorang maca pos aku klak. Trimak kaseh lah ah.

Bah, mupok lok.


Where There's a Will, There's a Way

Di mana ada wasiat, di situ ada cara.
Yes, pasti ada cara.

Where there's a will, there's a way. That's what out teachers taught us. That's what motivators say when they 'motivate' us. That what friends say when they 'advise' us.
What they didn't say is that the way that they refer to are full with tall walls and love holes.
Pricks of betrayals and high slippery stairs to climb.
And the fork in the path that gives you a hard choice.
The road not taken, or the road to nowhere.

Choose well.
Yes, pilih perigi.
Kumpul banyak-banyak, kluar sikit-sikit.
Slagi ada hujan, slagi itu air takkan kehabisan.

And now, for the 'compulsory' Sarawakian sentence.

Bah, mupok lok.



Masonry, according to the 'unreliable' Wikipedia, means building of structures from individual units laid in and bound together by mortar. And yes, that was a copy-and-paste job.
Exempli gratia: Layering bricks.

And a mason is the one who does all that.
And what's a freemason? A man layering bricks for free is a freemason.

And if you don't like freemasons, you can create your own 'secret society'. Name it the Paidmasonry. Or if you want it to be more 'elite', the Expensivemasonry.

And why am I blogging in English?
Suka-suka jak. Haha, since ada orang ya molah entri lam bahasa Sarawak, ku nak molah lam inglish. Haha. Ti ku mpun. Ada ku kesah?


Haha, back to English now.
Well, actually, that's kinda all there is to type. I'm running out of ideas.

Oh, just I just remembered...


That was one of the main topics... Or should I just drop the 's'?
Eyes, eyes, baby.
Well, lemme type in Sarawakian now.
So this post is gonna be a hybrid post. Haha.

Malas ku nak molah entry baru... Plus, topik 'mata' da kaitan juak bah ngan freemason. Sikitlah...

Well, pahal mata? Sebab mata kinektok a bit kontroversi. Simbolik mata ya besar gilak. Diengkah mata sigek, dipadah 'All-Seeing Eye'. Coma kenak cop syirik. Haha. Setauk aku, mun ujong jarik telunjok, ditemu ngan ujong ibu jarik sampe terbentuk bulatan, ya tanda 'OK'. Tapi kinektok, mun diengkah tanda OK ya ke bigik mata, alu dipadah ngeso 666.

Nang urang kinektok cepat nak nudoh sebarang kali nak? Bukan ku nak sapot Si Gaga ya lah, just nya yang paling hot kenak cop benda plek-plek kinektok bah. Haha, kenak pande kluar indah nama ya tek? Nya ya satu juak, suka nak molah kerja plek-plek...

Artis melesya pun ada kenak tempias cop juak. Pa lekak eje'el riya ya.
Eh... pande kluar topik indah eh...

Mata tok nak, nak penting abis. At least bagi aku lah...
Mun sekpat ncerik makanan, no big deal, dapat ncium bau.
Mun sekpat ncium bau, dapat dicerik. Mun nya bukan makanan, sekda keperluan juak nak ncium bau eh... Nyaman agik idup giya kali, sik ncium bau taik.
Mun sekpat merasa apa-apa? Sik sakit, sik ncerik panas, sejok, gatal. Mun di gigit nyamok pun sik lalek...
Mun sekpat ndengar? Bahasa isyarat kan ada?

Tapi mun sekpat ndiat?
Gelap-gelita dunia, atau terang-benderang kah ia?
Tanpa warna, suramlah kehidupan kita.
Betapa susahnya idup tanpa mata.

Aku pun ada suka juak nak nero mata. Nya bes didero. And plek bah mun nak nero idong ngan tlinga. Mulut sik plek gilak, tapi sik se bes mata. Dah ku ncoba.

And bok kinektok bah urang gago hal primesen hal gaga iluminati pa semua ya... Dolok neda gilak... Nitasrauak slalu blagu Seksis, sekda urang gago. Lagu nak "Jangan pandang ku seblah mata~" ya eh...

Jangan pandang ku seblah mata~
 Video klip tok mun sik salah aku dikluar time 2009 smilan.
And video klip seksis dikluar time 2005. Ya pun mun aku sik salah brik maklumat lah. Tapi melaluli apa yang ku carik lam tenet tek, ya haselnya lah...

Jangan pandang ku seblah mata~

Mun dolok kitakorang nangga mesti cam sekda pa-pa nak? Haha, kinektok persepsi dah brubah lepas nengar crita plek-plek. Yalah pengaroh media. And masonic ring ya kah? Haha, no komen. Iboh kitakorang nak nengar crita aku, bulak semata-mata. Ku sik mok njaik nama Kak Nita. Just mok membuktikan bahawa dengan prubahan zaman, dan prubahan cara masyarakat menilai, seseorang itu boleh jadi jaik or bait.

Kadang-kadang urang molah benda bagus dengan niat bagus pun dipadah jaik. Ya namanya utak lam palaknya ya dah burok. Sik bagus bersangke burok eh.

Expect the best of people, even when they do bad things. It's gonna be hard, but it's doable.

Bila persepsi dah diubah pengetahuan baru, mata kita nangga benda pun dengan cara yang lain. 'Pisang' kau and 'pisang' aku mungkin benda yang berbeza. Different things may pop in our minds.

Mun ku rajin tek, mok ku molah full entri on konspirasi Nitasrauak. Haha, siap dah prepare lam palak ku nak ngeluar konsep trinity indah tek. Haha. Unsur nusyuz da juak lam ya.

Udah gik ku ngrepak eh, sekda kitakorang suka juak nak maca. Yerr... make word 'kitakorang'. Bagelah rami urang maca... Maka sorang duak jak. Ya pun mun jak mena maca. Kali tek aku suk kedirik ngepost benda plek-plek. Dah start ngerepak agik dah aku tok eh...

Yalah susah mun ku naip stret dari palak koh, sik diplan... Ku plan nak molah entri brisik Anita Srawak jak, kakya hal mata and freemason. Nak lain-lain ya nang stret dari palak. Tok pun dari palak juak tok. Choi, udah gik eh. Dari tadik madah udah, sik juak brenti.

Bah, mupok lok.


Sori Lambat

Haha, slamat ari raya, maaf zahir dan batin.

First Day

Ngan family kat rumah ajak. Then gi kampong jap.

Second Day

Stay kat rumah juak. Urang rami datang.

Third Day

Aku mula diperlukan. Haha, makan laksa kat rumah kawanku. Then malam ya raon gik, sampe perutku penoh aek.

Fourth Day

Nang bizi abis! In demand kata diriknya tek... Haha. Macam-macam masalah. And aritok juak ku ada pegi rumah repeat.

Fifth Day

Ada gik rumah repeat jap. Haha, bes ngaco urang ari tok. And ada urang spesel juak ngekot skali. Haha, yerrrr~

Propaganda belaka.

Sixth Day

Kejap jak kluar... Then ku kat rumah ajak. Dinner kat kasumarizot.

Seventh Day

Ya isok bangang... Ne ku tauk pa yang akan blaku...

Maaf zahir dan batin kepada sapa-sapa yang maca. Mun jak ada urang maca...

Nah, ketupat Rubik's Cube, ku sik mampu nak merik angpau bah...

Bah, mupok lok.


Grilled, Great, Glorious, Gargantuan, Gigantic, Gila? No.

Juts tried the GCB.
I bought the double GCB.
And it was too thick.
So I removed one, and ate the the ones left normally.
The spare GC?
I ate them later.
With no bread.
The GCB, was, G.

And I ate some goat meat too, earlier.
And it was G.
Haha. I just looooooooove grilled stuffs...
Those are my favourites.
I think.

Oh well.
If you see my girl just tell her I miss her smile.
Oh, and I miss yours too.

So smile!

Bah, mupok lok.


I Just Loooooooooooove It.

Meat and Fire.
Together they form grilled meat!


And sometimes,
Cannibalistic instincts too.

I love meat too much.

Bah, mupok lok.


Ingga Ku.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaah mena!
Ingga ku maca post ku riya.
Jiwa + ng.


Pa reti tok? Tanyak Abid. Haha Tapi tok sekda kenak-mengenak gilakkah ngan isik prenggan tok. Just that ku nak madah, sebahagian nikmat telah ditarik balik. Password telah ditukar. Ku madah 'sila habiskan ayat terakhir anda' tanda nya harus berenti. Pulang nya tek, nanyak boleh pindah ke meja sik... Sekhal lah. Semoga dimurahkan rezekinya.
Oh, and sebahagian katil ku tercemar oleh something...
Apakah something itu?


Mari bertandak! Haha, random kali jak bunyi. I'm trying to become my old self again. Maka berakhirlah fasa cinta Peruzz. Menakah? Haha. Persoalan ya susah kit nak dijawab. Ngehehehehe. Ku sik boleh berenti suka ngan urang. Mesti at least ada sorang manusia disuka ku. Mun sik, ku takut klak ku start nak membencik urang. Kedak kinektok eh. Adalah bencik sikit. Ku sik mok hatiku dicemari kebencian. Haha.
Laskar cinta~


Nektok dah jarang dah ku ngepost berminiheaderkan makanan. So tok ku engkah sigeklah. Ku lekak sungke di kepsi tadik bah. Ngan manusia-manusia pilihan yang ku senangi kehadirannya. Haha, bukan bermaksud urang yang sik makan ngan aku tadik ku sik suka. Boh kecik ati ah?

So to wrap up this post, the usual sentence comes in handy.

Bah, mupok lok.


Ku Klaka Omputeh Lok Jap

Dengan izin tuan pengerusi majlis, dan para hakim yang adil.
Post kali ini sekadar sebuah madah bicara.
Bukan tanda putus asa,
atau tanda putus cinta.
Ia cuma tanda hati yang telah terkecewa.
Pasrah menanti waktu itu tiba.

This will be some sort of a composition of song lyrics and lyrics translation. Partly modified. With additions of my own words.

Just so you know,
this feeling is getting control of me.
My best friend, you're the one I must rely on.
Tell her I love her.
Or maybe you shouldn't.
Do what's right.
And to my dream's guide,
the one who shows direction to the best of dreams,
My first love,
I know he'd better be good to you,
Because if he doesn't,
I'll be there.
But for now,
knowing me, knowing you,
is the best I can do.
Forever and ever I shall sing,
I'll sing so I can reach you.
I may as well be the man who can't be moved.

[Just So You Know - Jesse McCartney]
[Chiquitita - ABBA]
[Tell Her I Love Her - Jesse McCartney]
[Yume no Michishirube (according to one of my friends, Dream's Guide) - ViViD]
[Endless Love - Diana Ross and Lionel Richie]
[I'll Be There - Jackson 5]
[Knowing Me, Knowing You - ABBA]
[Precious - ViViD]

Now you know what kind of songs that I listen to. Haha. But they change though, according to mood and situation.

And the following text must follow, even if this post was intended to be in English.

Bah, mupok lok.


Terima Kasih Skali Lagi

Tak lain dan tak bukan kepada joboku yang baru sahaja melepaskan isinya dijamban sebentar tadi dengan jayanya.


Pake kek birthday ku riya. Dikit jak urang datang. Sekpalah. Ku paham, nang susah bah mun nak molah majlisj time posa. Ujong minggu gik ya. Kawan ku rami dah lari ke labuan and ke perantauan. Geng Yunimas ku diam kat dorm. So bila balit ujong minggu, mestilah family mok embak makan sama nak? Yang sik balit ujong minggu ya, susah mok dapat transport. Baruk kenak birthday bulan posa. Mun raya?


Sungke ngan Tiwaiti riya dowh! Haha. Pak cik Tiwaiti ngembak sungke sama. Tapi dikit jak sebenarnya sungke sama ngan nya. Mekorang nak lain-lain tok disuroh makan rah tempat lain, lam kawasan rumah nya juak. Dipisah ngan dindin. Tapi semayang samalah... Sal dapat bejarah ngan nya jak. Okaylah. Sian juak ku nangga nya, dah tua kedak ya. Camnekah nya nak makan segala dak manok make suduk ngan gerpu. Aku terkial-kial jak. Haha. Ku slalu make tangan jak bah. Kali nya dah besa dari kecik. Ya nang bon wit a silber spun lah...

Oh Aok.

Da urang negor ku mala ngengkah ayat kebiasaan ku ya. Trimak kaseh lah, sebab prasan benda ya. Anda memang bagus! Nak pa gik nak dipadah ku tok oh? Sekda idea eh... Petang tok ku bertulong rah masjid. Pake nganti duak kali di miss ku. And skali pake minggu tok. So total minggu tok tiga kali lah... Tapi malam ya ku makan agik rah kafelah. Pake nambah.

Bah, mupok lok.


Terima Kaseh Duhai Joboku

Terima kasih kerana menahan beratku bila ku duduk,
Terima kasih kerana melepaskan angin bila ia harus dilepaskan,
Terima kasih melindungi tulang pinggulku tatkala ku jatuh terduduk,
Terima kasih kerana mampu menahan isimu hingga sampai waktu yang sesuai untuk dilepaskan.

And I'm not being sarcastic.


I know Zai is the only follower for now, or maybe for a long long time after now, but I'm gonna try typing in English. Just in case there are people who can't understand a my Sarawakian posts. Sooooooo... I think I'm gonna start to type it in English so that you can understand.


Boh jak eh, experiment gagal. Haha. Malas ku nak naep lam English. Tang awkward jak rasa. Haha, English ya bahasa pake blog ku sigek gik, yang ku maseh sik mok urang tauk sebab ku lom bersedia and ku takut urang lom bersedia. Nya lam English and nya dipenuhi dengan luahan hati aku. Haha.

Platonik Lev

Or ejaan asalnya, Platonic Love. Boh konpius. Nak tok sekda kenak-mengenak ngan Plate Tectonics nak gempa bumi ya. Walaupun bunyi nya tang kedak sama jak.
Platonic love tok baca dirikpunlah kat wikiped. Mun rajin, polah research rah tempat lain juak. Urang madah wikiped unreliable bah. Tapi ku still suka maca. Sapa-sapa boleh edit bah, so bagi aku ya macam the facts that are known as a collective. Bukan ilmu for or from sorang ajak or sekumpulan kecik urang. Nya seluroh dunia, mun ada salah, sapa-sapa boleh ator bah.


Tang kacak jak ari tok. Haha. Bagus ari tok bagi sesiapa yang mencintai, dicintai, dan yang saling cinta-mencintai antara satu sama lain. Nasib bait aku ada lam bahagian 'yang mencintai' ya. Haha, antap li jak bertepok seblah tangan.Tapi nektok benda ya dapat ditahan. Seolah-olah cinta ya dijel ku. Sak ku sik sakit ati gilak nangga ompuan ya ngan urang laki ya. Haha. And no, it's not the girl who's always with me. O tedah aku...

Haha, pa nak ditedah nya?
Sekda guna juak nak kesian...
Sikkan ngubah apa-apa.

Bah, mupok lok.



Haha, it was a bit of food fest last night.
My mouth tasted good food,
My eyes were fed with the images of her,
My ear felt full of her voice,
My hands ate the joy of folding,
My nose were filled with the smell of deliciously tempting food.
But the most important of all,
My heart was bloated,
I fed it too much love.

Aih Eh

Pahal berkias indah tok? Datang jiwang kah? Haha, sekdalah, just suka-suka nak meluah prasaan awal pagi time suboh tok... Kaktok nak blaja pizik gik eh kejap.

Ikan Masak Kicap

Nang ikan pande masak kah? Nyamanlah juak ikan ya malam tadik. Tapi nya a bit kerin, But never mind, food always tastes better when she's  around. Haha. Antap kali jak... Cobalah nya bergerek gik ooo, sak ku dapat move on. Haha. Cun juak time tok ku nengar lagu

If I Let You Go

Cam bes jak lagu tok. Nya nyuroh hati ku berbelah bagi. Sparoh mok nya jadi gerek aku, sparoh gik mok nya ngan urang yang nya first-first suka, and urang ya pun kinda suka nya juak. But then...

Apam ngan Kosoi

Kosoi Betty La Fea. Haha, lamak sik nangga crita ya eh...

Sik banyak idea ku tok... Gambar pun sekda...

Bah, mupok lok.



Haha, boh pike pelik-pelik. Kotor na jak pikeran ya eh... Haha.
Jangan dibuang cis ya. Cis nyaman bah... Dan cis mengubah segalanya...

Tanpa Tujuan

Mok tauk nak pa tanpa tujuan ya? Haha, yalah kerja aku ari petang marek. Raon tanpa tujuan. Boring bah kat rumah. Kedong ada urang ngembak kluar, ku kluar jaklah. Sal sik jadi Abilene paradox jak, ku on ajak... Mula-mula gi hopoh. Bagus juak gi hopoh ya, dapat ku meli sketchbook baru! Haha, dapat nganti nak basah riya ya... Nak basah ya dah kerin and tang ancient jak rupa nya... Kedak kitab lamak yang telah melalui pelbagai suka dan duka. Tapi yang salahnya tek nya berkaver plastik. Jaman mensia marek ne ada plestik...


Lekak ya tek pegi saberkas. Nangga kedei komputer sia, then raon nangga baju. Window shopping jaklah, meli penjan... Udah lekak ya tek, kamekorang ngabas spring. Aih, bok ku tringat koh... Kamekorang pegi spring and sekda singgah rah mph... Maka ya salah satu keutamaan rah spring. Bah, sekda hallah. Oh, and ada urang melipat napkin sia. Ku sik tauk contestkah or demonstration ajak. Tapi KACAK! Haha. Oveeeeeerrrr~

Kubah Ria Baru

Lom banyak gik kedei bukak sia. Bok around half jak. Ku sungkei ngan family. Makan nasik ayam and lapan cucok(or lebih) sate. Nasik ayam ya ordinary. Nang ordinary abis... Ku stakat madah nya edible jak. Nak madah nyaman sik juak. Just edible. Haha. Sate seperti biasa, nyaman. Ku suka dagin manis bah. Naluri karnivor. Naluri kanibal ada juak sikit. Ya ku sik suka nangga urang berdarah. Rasa nak makan jak...


Ya dimakan ku malam tadik time ku mintak something dari laptop someone. Adalah makhluk tuhan ya merik ciskek ngan aku, maka ciskek ya diberik ngan nya. Nya cam sik sudi jak mok makan. Haha, sekda bah... Jeskiding! Tapi ciskek ya nyaman lah... Mimpi indah ku malam tadik. Haha. Dari mulut turun ke hati. Ku pencinta makanan bah... Tapi sik juak gemok-gemok... Kak ya ada miak wing atas tok datang bejarah ke bilit aku ngembak kueh batek. Makan agik. Maka seblom ya ku dah nak tido. Dah tas katel dah aku... Kakya tringat nak copy something dari someone. So ku turun, then bermulalah crita...

Now ku nak berkemas and then turun klas. So............ Seperti biasa, ku akhiri dengan kata-kata biasa.

Jumpa lagi minggu hadapan diwaktu yang sama di TV5,
Chemisteri Nusantara,
Usah biarkan hidup anda diselubungi, Che-misteri...

Bah, mupok lok.


Sebuah Kesalahfahaman Yang Ku Mahu Menjadi Nyata

Adalah critanya. Haha.


Sahor makan megikap ritok tek. Sik sure ku dapat tahan kah sik. Mudahan jak dapat. Sik ku mok kehabisan energy agik eh... Tang plek jak rasa bila cell ku tang kedak sik bermaya. Sekpat detect stimulus stimuli.

Kueh Penjaram

Camya kah ngejanya? Camya kah namanya? Ku rasa camya lah. Mun ada ejaan lain, padahlah. Boh sik madah. Sik mok ku salah lamak-lamak. Mendapat kemaluan ku klak. Haha. Sigek tok ajak dah kira cukup bah. Sik perlu kemaluan kedua.
Maaf, aku digres.
Haha, da gik ku make ayat ya.
So ari marek ku meli kueh ya. Seringgit tiga igek. Di bazaar yang sama, kueh yang sama, rega pun sama. Yang lain nya just stall ya jak. Personally ku lebih suka nak besar ya. Nak dibeli ku rah stall nak ada njual cakkoi juak ya. Nya lebih besar and manis. Nak sigek gik ya kecik jak kueh nya, and lebih rasa tepong.

Ati Manok

Nang slalu lah ku makan benda tok... Udah gik eh. Tang rasa lejuk jak ku makan benda slalu gilak. Klak ku ncarik menu baru. Mun ku rajin ke bazaar ritoklah...

Bah, mupok lok.


Ada Apa Pada Nama?

Dan ada apa pada gelaran?
Inilah sebuah topik kontroversi yang takkan ku bincangkan. Instead, aku akan teruskan post ini dengan cara biasa iaitu...

Kernel Bege Ke'epsi

Ya dimakan ku ari marek, ngan duak orang geng yunimas and empat orang dari yu-ai-ti-em. Mekorang klaka-klaka tanpa mengendahkan makhluk-makhluk lain disekeliling. Skati mekoranglah. Mekorang oun bayar juak sgala barang makan tok. And rami juak ku nemu geng ku sia.

Yang doloknya sama skolah ngan aku tapi kinektok si sama yu.

Test Pizik

Eh, dah pecah fomet eh. Sekda gik miniheader makanan. Haha. Aku sik banyak makan bah time bulan posa tok. So aku terpaksa make benda lain. Tapi ku rasa kegiatan tok akan berlarutanlah. Sebab mun ku mala jak make nama makanan, ujong-ujong klak mesti sekda gik nama makanan yang belom dipake. So terpaksalah aku makan makanan yang sik pernah dimakan aku contohnya tanah liat goreng, daun kladi masak kicap, kueh lapis menegak, itisi, itisi.


Sekda kaitan sebenarnya test pizik ngan isik nak diatas ya. Lam nak tok bok ku nak ncrita. Truthfully, test pizik pagi ari marek ya bagi aku okay. Yes, okay. Bukan okay, okay, mahupun okay. Tapi okay. Pahal nya okay? Sebab... Ku dapat jawap semua! Boh nak start debat ejaan ya jawab kah jawap. Sama jak bunyi nya. Ku nang dapat jawap, tapi betol or sik ya ku sik surelah... Ya yang ku bingong tok. Tapi hidup perlu diteruskan. Sikkanlah setegal ya ku nak munoh dirik. Ish, lom sedia gik eh...


Mun nak mati, mati sorang, Mati tok sekda kaitan ngan kematian urang. Just ku nak madah yang setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan merasai mati. So, branikan diri menghadap mati. Mun takut, polah persediaan banyak-banyak. Contohnya mun kita takut ngan someone, sik brani nak klaie, tapi dah ditakdirkan kitak klaie ngan nya kol spuloh depan emart, kompom kita akan molah preparation nak? So camne preparation menghadapi mati? Cariklah dirikpun. Mun carik dirikpun ya lebih efisien proses pembelajarannya. Sik sia-sia kitakorang ngabas blog aku nak? Haha.

Bah, mupok lok.