
Memetime!: 101 Truths?


1. last beverage ۝ Sirap Sarsi(maybe)

2. last phone call ۝ GaIn

3. last text message ۝ GaIn (I think)

4. last song you listened to ۝ Entahlah... Tapi rasanya lagu The World Spin Madly On...

5. last time you cried  ۝ Some days ago... I looove to cry. With or without reason.


6. dated someone twice ۝ Maybe, if "blaja rah library"="date"...

7. been cheated on ۝ Hopefully not...

8. kissed someone & regretted it ۝ Mestilaaah...sik.

9. lost someone special ۝ Kinda...

10. been depressed ۝ I don't think so...

11. been drunk and threw up ۝ F**k no.


12. I like green.

13. But things around me are mostly blue.

14. And black is nice too...


15. Made a new friend ۝ No. I made a lot of new friends.

16. Fallen out of love ۝ No.

17. Laughed until you cried ۝ I think I did... But I'm sure I laughed until I'm out of breath at least once...

18. Met someone who changed you ۝ Of course. Mostly everyone changes me someway or another.

19. Found out who your true friends were ۝ I don't know.

20. Found out someone was talking about you ۝ Kompomlah ada urang klaka hal aku ooo...

21. Been to a concert? ۝ Rasanya sik... O tedah aku...


22. How many people in your  fb friend list do you know in real life ۝ I've met them at least once in my lifetime, whether I realized it or not. Well, except for some...

24. Do you have any pets ۝ Yesss... Kinda...

25. Do you want to change your name ۝ Pake apa? Nama ku dah cukup bagus. Haha. And nama ku dah cukup banyak... Refer #37.

26. What did you do for your last birthday ۝ Ngembak urang sungke dirumah. Tapi sikit jak datang. O tedah aku...

28. What were you doing at midnight last night ۝ Sitting near the phone waiting for the countdown. Tlipon rumah, sebab henpon sekpat pake...

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for ۝ Heaven.

30. Last time you saw your Mother ۝ Less than half an hour before midnight.

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life ۝ There's not a thing that I would change. 'Cause I'm amazing, just the way I am. Haha. Prasan jap lok...

32. What are you listening to right now ۝ The fan.

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom ۝ Tom tom bak! No.

34. What's getting on your nerves right now ۝ Quite absolutely high probability of nothing.

35. Most visited webpage ۝ DeviantArt's on the top of my "history" list...

37. Nicknames ۝ Woaaaah... Banyak tok... Pdos(urang saruk), Ijan (saruk juak. Aku pun sik paham pahal...) Pe'uz, Peruz, Peruzz, Perus, Roy, Bang Ker, Bobo, Proboscis, Zizan, Kwon(prasan), and paling top nektok, Poret. Ada yang ku miss kah?

38. Relationship Status ۝ Secret.

39. Zodiac sign ۝ Virgo

40. He or She? ۝ Me!

41. Elementary ۝ SK(A)DHAKH

42. Middle School ۝ KDPAHA

43. High School/College ۝ UNIMAS

44. Hair color ۝ I'm most certain it's black...

45. Long or short ۝ Curly. [-1 Markah: Tidak menjawab soalan.]

46. Height ۝ 155cm more or less...

47. Do you have a crush on someone? ۝ Don't know...

48: What do you like about yourself? ۝ Everything.

49. Piercings ۝ Yes, but no.

50. Tattoos ۝ I want one. But I can't have one.

51. Righty or lefty ۝ Right, tapi kidal basoh berak...

52. First surgery ۝ Blom gik.

53. First piercing ۝ Blom juak.

54. First best friend ۝ Sik tauk ku camne klasifikasi best friend...

55. First sport you joined ۝ Nyepak tin or botol masok lam goal menbol yang disimpan tepi lab lamak time skolah rendah. If that's even regarded as a "sport"...

56. First vacation ۝ Uish... Mensia gilak crita tok...

58. First pair of trainers ۝ Nakpa benda gik ya?


59. Eating ۝ Nope. Not yet.

60. Drinking ۝  Same as the above.

61. I'm about to ۝ Surf the internet.

62. Listening to ۝ Nothing yet. Bok jak on laptop tek...

63. Waiting for ۝ Something...


64. Want kids? ۝ Of courselah...

65. Get Married? ۝ Before dapat anak, mestilah ku mok kawen dolok...

66. Career? ۝ Hopefully something that'll make me rich...


67. Lips or eyes? ۝ Both are good. I'm not very good at answering these "which is better" questions...

68. Hugs or kisses ۝  Hugs and kisses.

69. Shorter or taller ۝ Preferably shorter.

70. Older or Younger ۝ Young. Older is fine too, if they look young.

71. Romantic or spontaneous ۝ Romantically spontaneous.

72. Nice stomach or nice arms ۝ Nice...

73. Sensitive or loud sensitive ۝ Sensitive in terms of?

74. Hook-up or relationship ۝ I'm not sure I understand this...

75. Trouble maker or hesitant ۝ Umm... Snakes!


76. Kissed a stranger ۝ Ewww...

77. Drank hard liquor ۝ Sik.

78. Lost glasses/contacts ۝ Sekda...

79. Sex on first date ۝ Ih... Plek-plek soklan...

80. Broke someone's heart ۝ Mudahan jak sekda.

81. Had your own heart broke ۝ Tok nang kompom ada lah...

82. Been arrested ۝ Sekda.

83. Turned someone down ۝ Can someone explain?

84. Cried when someone died ۝ Not sure...

85. Fallen for a friend? ۝ Yep.


86. Yourself ۝ I believe I do.

87. Miracles ۝ Nothing is impossible.

88. Love at first sight ۝ It's possible.

89. Heaven ۝ Mesti.

90. Santa Claus ۝ Pa pekdah ku percayak ngan benda tok?

92. Angels ۝ Aok.


93. Had more than one BF/GF? ۝ Mun serentak, sik. Mun sorang skali, well, ada kali...

96. Ever cheated on somebody? ۝ Sepanjang pengetahuan aku, sik.

97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why? ۝ I haven't thought of that. Mainly because it's quite impossible...

98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be ۝ Tok pun sik pernah terlintas lam palak ku...

99. Are you afraid of falling in love? ۝ Nope.

100. Posting this as 100 truths? ۝ Skati akulah ku nak post title apa...

101. Final words? ۝ Now you know many things about me. You can even write a short story based on me now. Or add me as an extra character in your book. Whatever. Bah, mupok lok.