

Selamat Taun Baru!

Nah, azam taun baru,

Jaik eh...
Haha, sekpa, sal ada jak...

Oh, and tok perutusan taun baru, pake kitakorang semua,

Dengar dan hayati. Haha.
Well, kami di Blog Peruzz Tok Kah ingin mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru, dan semoga panjang umur.
Ehehehehe... Tang bes jak bunyi make word "kami" ya. Haha. Tang kedak rami jak urang nulis blog tok...

So, bak kata taun 2010 tengah malam tadik,

Bah, mupok lok.

Selamat Taun Baru!


One-way Road to Seemingly Nowhere.

Life sometimes seems like a highway.
Everyone moves forward in time. There's no use looking back at the road that you've passed. The holes that you've been through. Our soul drives our body on this particular highway of life. You can choose to hit another car to slow them down if you want to. But you'll be slowed too.
And like a one way high way, you can't just turn back and go against the flow. But you can move along and wait until you meet a detour, a junction, or anything that allows you to change your life's path.
There are roadsigns that show you the way to your destination. Remember, there's no turning back, so choose well.
But there are times where the road to your destination is closed, and all you can do is just move along. Proceed.

Well, there are other times when life seems like a highway. I'll get to it later when it's quite appropriate.

Bukan apa, gitok kes nya...
Adalah bebereapa orang manusia lam dunia tok, ku sik mok nak madah sapa or sine, mun tauk, diam, mun sik, anggap jak nya blaku rah somewhere lam dunia tok, and diam. Beberapa orang ya tek, bok tauk sekda jraya kluar... Kira cam sekpat masok simpanglah tek... Lekat lam sigek jraya tok ajak.
So kluarlah macam-macam perkataan negatif tek... Haha. ada juak rasa sian lam ati ku tok. Tapi dikitlah...

Naaaaaaaaaaang dikit.


Tapi nya naaaaaaaaaang dikitlah.

Tapi yalah tek, nepat nak patah balit... Mok sik mok, jalan jaklah. Trimak jak hakikat kita dah lekat, sekpat nak ke sine-sine. But well, at least we know that even if our results suck, we'd still be able to continue our studies. Albeit not the course we wanted. And now sapa-sapa yang sik tauk pa benda diklaka ku tadik, mungkin dah tauk. Hehe. Diam jak lah.

"You had the chance to escape. You didn't"

Bah, mupok lok.


Camne Mun...

"What if nobody likes me?
What if I don't succeed?
What if I give it all that I've got,
and I still don't got what they need?
What if I don't get anywhere at all?
Will I consider myself a failure?
Will I be that small?"

Mun sekpat kali tok, sekhal, coba agik. Gagal sekali bukan bermakna gagal selama-lamanya. Gagal sekali bermakna probability untuk anda gagal lagi meningkat. And nang kompom gagal agik mun maseh juak ngulang benda yang sama. Bila gagal skali, kita tok perlu brubah. Tok bukan ku mesan kitakorang jaklah, tok pesanan pake ku mpun juak.

Ne boleh mesan urang, tapi dirikpun sik ngekot. Eh, boleh lah, nakpa diklaka ku tok. Mun mesan ompuan bertudong, sik aku nak ngekot juak nak? Haha.

Kita tok mesti blaja dari kesilapan. Kesilapan in general. Boh blaja dari benda salah nak dipolah dirikpun ajak. Blaja dari salah urang lain juak. Mun nangga urang gagal menyambong kehidupan lepas terjun dari tingkat 108 bangunan seblah kedey makan njual rojak sik nyaman ya, boh lah datang gila ncoba melompat juak nangga idup kah sik. Mun lam kes idup mati, gagal skali ya nang gagal forever lah. Konsep "Gagal skali bukan gagal forever" ya sekpat dipake.

Tapi lam kebanyakan kes lain, dapatlah. Except benda yang kompom sekpat diulang. Contohnya exam final taun ya tek. Mun dah gagal, nang gagal lah. Ne pat direpeat agik. Tapi klak ada gik exam taun tok. And time exam yalah kita spatutnya make sure kita sik gagal lagik. Spatutnya.

So mun dah skali gagal ya, and dah polah sehebat mungkin, boh ngalah. You thought you did your best, but now you know you could do better.

"What if she doesn't like me?
What if I'm not her type?
What if all the girls that ever like me,
are not the kind of girls that I like?
What if I meet the right one and screw it up?
Will I consider myself a failure?
Will I give up?"

Kompom soklan kedak ya pernah tlintas lam palak nak? At least skali lah. Bulak gilak mun langsong sekda.

Mun urang sik suka, pa boleh buat... Move on jaklah. And mun nak mun nak suka ngan kita ya bukan jenis yang kita suka, ingat jak balit bila kita suka ngan urang, tapi urang ya sik suka ngan kita. Cam ya juak rasa nya... Dunia tok adel bah. Ada atas ada dibah. Ada angkat ada rebah. Ada madu ada lebah.

And jangan putus asa.
Senang jak ncarik mun tauk sine and camne. Tapi benda yalah yang urang banyak sik tauk... Kakya aku tok lebih mulut/jarik klaka/naep benda kedak tok. Sak jak dirikpun lom ada gerek... Haha. Tapi ya bukan topik kita ritok. So boh lalek ku ada gerek kah sik.

And sebagai conclusion, try to tell this to yourself,

"I'm gonna keep trying.
Getting denied just makes me want it more.
I'll keep trying and each time push harder than before.
I can't live my life always worried about "What if?".
'Cause what if I die tomorrow,
then I never even lived"

Mun kitakorang tauk lagu tok, bagus. Mun sik, well, sekda pa-pa lah. Bagus sik, sik bagus pun sik. Neutral. Mun mok tauk lagu apa tok, search jak sia. Mun ku madah jak rah sitok nanglah lebih senang. Tapi ku mok kitakorang tauk dirikpun.

Bah, mupok lok.



Total nonsense.

Drama sem duak baruk bermula. Urang branok sama dirik, kawan palat-memalati, kapel baru, itisi, itisi, itisi.
So aku cam besalah, ndengar ajak. Ku ndengar crita urang jak bah, sik brani nak nyebar, takut crita bulak, jadi fitnah klak.
Bagus ku munoh nya jak, dikit gik dosa giya...

Bah, mupok lok.

Sekda bah... Haha.
Adalah urang ya nak, mun mena crita nak didengar aku lah, gila nganok urang. Siklah gila ne, tapi yang ku da nengar lah nak, nya nganok 'kawan' nya mpun. Nak madah hot, siklah juak, tapi hotlah. Hot and rasa hot. Part rasa hot ya sik disuka urang. Kali ada urang sukalah, ku sik tauk gilak hati budi urang, tapi yang pastinya, aku sik suka. And aku urang. Bukan binatang, bukan objek, bukan tumbuhan, and bukan kerusi.

Tapi nak, nya ya tang kedak bencik semua urang. Eh, tambah gik dikit. Bencik dan dibencik semua urang. Kali sik semualah, tapi menurut obsevasi aku yang sedikit rabun tok, giyalah...

Well, sekda pa-pa gilak nak ditaep ku tok. Dahlah didiat urang... Alu sekda feel ku nak naep...

"She have a broken heart, and you have a broken grammar."

Bah, mupok lok.


Apa Dipadah Ku Tek Bah?

Kelab mendaki mok polah jungle trekking.
I have nooo objection to that.

Let's masok ke topik asal.
Nakpa dipadah ku tek o?
Sekda pa-pa.
Haha, adalah something. Baca jak atas ya. Sik susah ne.

Tapi nak, ku mok madah lah tok. Ada ketikanya bila ku klaka, well, mostly stiap kali ku klakalah, ku sekda simpan chat log. Yang paling latest yang ku slalu pat ingat pun just beberapa ayat sebelom jak.

And ku nang blur abis and rasa angol bila urang nanyak:
Nak pa tek?
Pa dipadah ko tek?
Sik, bukan ya.
Nak before ya.
Before nak dipadah ko tek eh.

Slalunya respons biasa ku:
Nak pa bah?
Ku sik ingat.
Padah lok.
Ne ku tauk pa dipadah ku tek.
Aih, mena ku sik ingat.

So mun ada blaku kitakorang nanyak "Nakpa dipadah ko tek?" lam nada sarkastik or nang nanyak, ku mintak maaf banyak-banyak mun ku madah ku sik ingat. Maybe ku nang eksen sik ingat kejap. Tapi mun dah lamak-lamak ya and ku mala nanyak pa benda dipadah aku, menalah ku sik ingat ya.
So sorilah kay?
Mintak ampun banyak-banyak.
Mun kitakorang rasa tauk nakpa dipadah aku ya, padah lah. Sik dosa nak?

Aok, aku nang giya.
Bah, mupok lok.


And Then...

You die.
He dies.
She dies.
Everyone who reads this dies.
Death is inevitable.

Tapi bukan yalah nak diklaka ku... Haha. Suka-suka jak, pake nyuroh urang maca. Mana nak sik suka maca benda hal idupmati kedak ya, selakan pegi. Tapi sebenarnya sik perlulah, sebab ku sik klaka hal ya ritok. Malas ku nak pessimistik agik. Ku mok jadi optimistik balit.
Babi sik?

Exam riya ku pa 3.55 jak.
Ada urang madah ku eksen, ngegeh, loba sebab nambah 'jak' rah ujong ya... Ku nang suka nambah jak at the end of kebanyakan nombor bah. Siklah semua. Just kebanyakan jak. Ya antara ku rasa jumlah ya sik cukup, or aku jadi sarkastik kejap. Ngekot ati akulah... Siklah nak ngekot ati kau nak? Dunia tok bukan tentang kau ajak. Dapatlah ko madah idop ko ya kedak crita, kau ya watak utama. Hero. Heroin. Ujong crita, ko mati. Tapi ingatlah juak, kau ya watak sampingan jak lam kesah idup urang lain.

And paling ku sik mok adalah jadi antagonis lam kesah idup urang. Biar ku cameo ajak pun sekpa. Mun sik pun watak extra sidek ayat kedak lam The Homecoming. Sal jangan jadi antagonis. Jadi urang jaik.
Ku mok jadi watak bait.

Ari qdah kol limak dah tok, time ku naep tok. Ku rasa ku patut mandiklah... Then polah apa yang patut. Coba piker lok kejap, time ko maca tok kol brapa? And ada sik benda yang lebih penting yang perlu dipolah ko?
Jangan delay-delay.
Jangan polah last-minute.
Polah kinektok.

"To most of us, life in this world begins nine moths after a fuck. You started near the asshole where shit comes out. And you start with nothing. You're stupid, bloody, and a naked moron. Nothing you say makes sense. Now look at yourself right now. And contemplate."

Bah, ku mupok lok.


Nak Pa Senggama Nak Di Post Ku?

Aku abis IDEA!
Haha, sik juak abis lah... Just slalu bila ku rasa cam mok molah post baru, ku sik tauk pa nak ditaep. Except kali toklah. Obviously.

Dah eh. Klak jak ku polah post mena-mena.

Bah, mupok lok.


I Need YOUR Help.

Dear anyone who can read this,
I need to know how to stop Facebook from posting my comments on to my wall, thereby letting everyone with the access to my wall know my comments, good and bad, on my friends' statuses, pictures, and other things. It's really annoying and I'm not comfortable with people knowing my activities on Facebook.

Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very, very much.

I shall end this post with the familiar words,
Bah, mupok lok.


To Smile

"In love, no one can harm anyone else; we are each of us responsible for our own feelings and cannot blame someone else for what we feel. It hurt when I lost each of the various men I fell in love with. Now, though, I am convinced that no one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone. That is the true experience of freedom: having the most important thing in the world without owning it."

Just an excerpt, or quote, from a book I haven't read, Eleven Minutes.

Well that, while it's a great thing for your mind to ponder, have quite absolutely nothing to do with this post. Or so it seems...

What does it take for one to smile? It's an easy thing to do. Everyone seems to know how to do it naturally. Smiling makes us feel good. If you smile at another person, with utmost sincerity, they will smile back at you. Provided that they are sane, of course. Even if their in a terrible problem, even when they're facing a death threat. A smile changes many things. Smile, at every end of your days.

Even if the day had been bad. Terribly. Awesomely terribly. Just simply awful. Smile at your mistakes. Smile at their insults. Smile at those curse words thrown at you earlier that day. Smile.
And if you feel that you can't smile, well at least try to smile.
If you succeeded, then you smiled. And then you'll smile at your success. A victory after a not-so-perfect day.
If you didn't, you'll smile at your uncanny effort to smile. You might want to look at yourself in a mirror while attempting to smile.

Well then, I seem to be not making any sense right now...
Just smile. Remember that there may be someone, somewhere once saw your face, and currently smiling, just thinking of you.


Bah, mupok lok.


Yeah, Not Me.

Some people can do a 10 digit calculation in their head,
some can write 10 volumes of sci-fi fantasy thriller novel,
some can sing songs without sounding bad,
and some have their heart always filled with festival.

Some drives big, expensive, sporty cars,
and have cute girlfriends right by their side,
some have bodies with muscles and battle scars;
They win even before they start to fight.

Some people have knowledge filling their brain,
and answer almost anything amazingly accurate,
while some can predict whether it'll shine or rain,
or if your girlfriend is your perfect soul mate.

And here I am just typing some crap,
Four weird poems, but hopefully five,
The singer can sing, and the whole world may clap,
And in zombie attack, the fighter might survive.

Yes the rich guys can buy everything that they love,
and the geniuses can predict almost correctly our fate.
Yeah, not me, sadly, I'm not one of the above,
because I'm not good enough, not great enough, yet.

Sabun, limo purut, aek ujan, colok,
Bah, mupok lok.